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September 13, 2002 - 8:19 am

no all about me

Hmm. I tried to make an All About Me page. It Didn't work quite right. O well.

Mood= whatever
Voices in my head are singing= none
Current Obsession= nothing
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September 13, 2002 - 6:50 am

Found the bead

And realized that I lost the bar that was the one the guy used to pierce my tongue. But it will turn up, and it's no big deal, cos it only works with the 2 beads that came with it, and it's too long, it runs into the roof of my motuh and the bottom of my mouth. I have a new one, the correct thickness, 12 gauge, that works with all the new beads. So I am alright with having lost that one bar. And, the glue I used to glue the jewel back in the one bead seems to be alrite. I let it set for 24 hours, and then soaked it in hydrogen peroxide for another 24, and it doesn't seem to have come loose at all, so I am fairly confident it won't come loose in my mouth. So, yayness.

Mood= Happy Happy Joy Joy
Voices in my head are singing= the cricket that got trapped in the basement chirping
Current Obsession= none
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September 13, 2002 - 4:35 am

Bead, and Computer

Well, I didn't wake up dead. At least, as far as I can tell.
So, the other day, I once again dropped one of the beads for my tongue ring. The clear one, with the silver sparkles in it. And I saw the general direction it fell, and gave a quick look for it, but didn't find it. Didn't have time to look hard for it. But figured, it's sparkly, I'll grab a flashlite, and find it in no time. Well, I just spent 20 minutes looking for it, and can't find it. It must have rolled or something. I have GOT to stop messing with the beads to my tongue ring when I am at the computer. Hopefully it'll turn up.
So, I FINALLY figured out what was wrong with my computer, why it wasn't booting correctly. Dunno how to fix it yet, but it's working for the moment. Apparently, when my USB webcam, and the USB hub that has my graphics tablet and digital camera cable are both plugged in, it causes some sort of problem. Dunno WHY, but apparently it does, cos when just my webcam was plugged in, it booted fine, and when just the hub is plugged in, it boots fine, but both, and it won't boot. It stops and hangs just before the BIOS screen, and I have to hit the rest button, or shut it down totally and then turn it back on for it to boot properly. So, for the moment, I just have the hub plugged in. If I wanna use the webcam, I can just plug the cam in, use it, and then unplug it. But I am going to take the USB PCI card from my Rent's new comp, cos it has 2 USB ports. And if it will work, then I can forget the hub, and just plug stuff into the original USB ports, and the PCI USB ports. I hope it works.

Mood= Happy, and annoyed
Voices in my head are singing= aqua-candyman
Current Obsession= finding that bead!
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September 12, 2002 - 11:46 am


Quote-"Take caution, chamomile has been known to cause allergic reactions in people whom are allergic to ragweed or other members of the daisy family. If you have any of these allergies, you should not use chamomile."
Now, GUESS what I am allergic to. (ragweed) And GUESS what I am drinking. (chamomile tea) I'm not horribly allergic to ragweed, so I should be alrite. But if I wake up dead tomorrow, someone do me a favor and tell my mom why. And with that, I am off to bed.
Yeah, I know, it's only noon. But I've been up since 4 pm yesterday, which means about 20 hours. And I SHOULD go to the post office and mail Katy's present, but it can wait. It waited til yesterday, cos I was waiting on the addition to the present to arrive, which it did. But I was asleep at the time it arrived, and didn't feel like trying to make it to the post office by 5 when I woke up at 4. So I told myself I'd mail it today, except, not gonna. Gonna sleep.

Mood= Sleepy
Voices in my head are singing= the men in black theme. (from the first movie, not the second)
Current Obsession= the clogged pores on my nose
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September 08, 2002 - 7:59 pm


Shit. I was writing an entry, and clicked something, and it went to that page in the window I was writing in, and when I clicked back, it was gone. Damnit, I hate that.
Well, I was writing about how annoyed I am at this friend of mine, who is from Yugoslavia, and is always going on about how great yugoslavia is about this or that, which, is fine, except then she goes on about how horrible the US is. And that's what annoys me. She doesn't say shit about the bad stuff there, or the good stuff here. And it's not even so much that it's about the US. It's the attitude. The, "I'm better then you" and "There this and this and this wrong, but I can't suggest a solution" and "Everything about this is so great and everything about that is so horrible."
For example, the most recent thing is, apparently Yugoslavia did great in some basketball thing. I don't give a damn. Sports don't mean shit to me. So, she IMs me, and tell me how great Yugoslavia did. And I'm happy for her, cos it makes her happy. But then, she goes, "And the US is sucky, cos they only got such and such a place." Now, how is that necessary? It's like a little kid who wins a prize at school, and then walks around talking about who lost. That's not what it's ABOUT! If you have to denigrate one thing to make another look good, then that says something pretty signifigant about the thing you are trying to make look good.
So anyway, I'm pissed at her cos of her attitude. She is always going on about how horrible the US is at sports, and in politics, and in everything. And she does make valid points about some of it, especially in foreign politics, but she TOTALLY ignores the good points. And it just really annoys me. It's not that I think the US is perfect. I know it isn't. But I don't see any other countries doing better. And it's not even so much that it is about the US, tho that is part of it, but that she is the sort of person to do that sort of thing about a subject at all.

Mood= Annoyed
Voices in my head are singing= nothing
Current Obsession= Birthdays (my sister's is the 9th, and mine is in 64 days)
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September 02, 2002 - 9:36 am

Jen's Birthday Sleepover

Hey. So, finally done sleeping off the "sleepover" we had saturday nite for Jen's birthday. Hehehe. It was fun tho. Liz's away message during it was

"I'm still at Jen's. It's been a night of miniskirts, flaming knives, partial/total nudity, lesbian action, a 2-liter bottle of Pepsi Twist, a package of Chocolate Creme Oreos, Graham Crackers and a helluva lotta frosting used to build a work of architectural art, along with various pagan rituals. I'll be back if I'm still alive; and when I see you, I'll be either drunk, crazy, or both. ~Princess Elizabeth"

So, yeah, it was fun. For those of you with dirty minds, the nudity was just trying on clothes, and the lesbian action was just Kate and Liz talking about stuff with a blanket over their heads so Jen and I couldn't hear them. As for the rest, the flaming knives were real (we had candles, and I was using my knife to move wax around, and there was so much wax on it, it caugth fire). The soda and cookies need no explaination. The architectural artwork was a grahm cracker model of the cathedral, and the various pagan rituals, well, I shan't go into detail, they were just ur basic pagan rituals. ;)
So, much fun was had by all. I had woken up at 5 am on saturday, and was awake until 3:30pm sunday. So, 34 hours or so awake. I slept for about 17 when I finally got to bed. O, and the 4 of us also went to a movie and dinner on saturday too. We saw Tadpole, which I quite liked, but Kate and Liz were rather childish during. Apparently, I misjudged their maturity level when I thought they would like the movie. At one point, I had to tell Kate to either pretend to be adult, or get out of the theater, cos she was getting quite loud. But Sofija said she liked it a lot, and Jen said it was interesting. Then Sofija had to go, some family thing.
Jen, Liz, Kate and I all went to Ruby Tuesday for dinner. It was fab. We had a lot of fun (LUPPY!!!), and Kate is DEFINATELY my little sister (hehehe). Then we went back to Jen's, and the "sleepover" where we didn't sleep began. So, that was my weekend.
I kinda got annoyed with Kate at the sleepover, cos she kept making everything about her. For example, Jen didn't want ppl using the computer, but Kate said, "O, I haven't been allowed to use the computer at home all week, I've gotta." And Jen was too nice to make a big deal about it. And so for like an hour, Kate and or Liz were using the computer, and it was really boring. Jen and I were sitting there just bored out of our skulls. I tried to say something a number of times, but they ignored me. I was really annoyed with Kate about that. She was being REALLY inconsiderate, and on Jen's birthday too! Then every single topic of conversation, Kate had to make it about her. And if she couldn't, she brought up a new topic of convo, that was about her. But when I mentioned it to Jen on sunday after Kate and Liz left, Jen said she hadn't noticed.
But that seems to be who Kate is anymore, an inconsiderate self centered brat who doesn't even care about her friend's feelings. I really don't know what to do. She is becoming a person I really don't care to be friends with, but every once in a while (very occasionally), I will see the decent person I truly belive she is underneath. I really want to think that how she is acting now is just a phase, and she will get over it eventually. I try to talk to her about it, but it doesn't seem to do any good. And I don't want to do the Jason thing, and say, "I'll be friends with you again when your attitude changes." Cos it's such a shitty thing to do, and it's not a good way to get someone to change their behavior. But I just don't know what to do, and I can't just do nothing, cos that will very quickly lead to my ending our friendship. I dunno. Neway, that was my weekend, as I mentioned before.

Mood= Calm and Happy
Voices in my head are singing= some song stuck in my head, I dunno what it's called
Current Obsession= fahrenheit 451 (a book)
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