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August 31, 2002 - 9:08 pm

Liz's psych test results

Liz's psych test results

-- Click Here To Take The Test --

Mood= amused
Voices in my head are singing= not a clue, jen turned the radio on
Current Obsession= eh.
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August 31, 2002 - 8:50 am

The Universe Hates Me


For some reason, the universe hates me lately. Yesterday, around lunch time, I was hungry, and realized there was nothing to eat in the house. So, I decide to go out to lunch, and then go grocery shopping. Lunch first, cos everyone knows u rn't supposed to go grocery shopping hungry.
So, I have a nice lunch, read my book for a little while, yummy food. Go to the grocery store, get yummies, don't spend too much $. Stop for a smoothie on the way home. Just as I get off the bus in front of Smoothie Time, I see the bus that I take from Smoothie Time home pulling away. O well, it's not that far, and maybe there will be another bus after I get my smoothie. So, 10 minutes later, smoothie in hand, I look at the bus schedule, and see that another bus isn't due for 30 minutes. It takes me 10 to walk home from Smoothie Time. So, I decide to walk.
So, very first thing, I am about to cross the street, and I step off the curb, and my ankle turns. Not badly, not seriously, but still OUCH. No biggie tho, I can walk, it doesn't even hurt really. I cross the street, continue walking home. I'm taking the shortcut through the park, and I get stung by a bee! Now, I have never been allergic to bee stings before, so I wasn't too worried, but within about 30 seconds, my arm was numb, yet tingly, from the wrist to the elbow, and my head started to hurt. And I didn't remember every reacting to a bee sting like that before. But, nothing to do but continue home.
So, about a block from my house, suddenly, for no good reason, I trip. And fall. HARD. Tore my knee up, skinned my palm, HURT. So I sat on the ground for a few minutes, feeling sorry for myself, my arm all tingly/numb, and starting to swell, my head throbbing, my knee bleeding. Then I got up, walked the rest of the way home. Come in the house, try to call my mother, and find out, how long it takes to have an allergic reaction to a bee sting if you are going to. Cos it had been about 10 min at this point since I got stung, and I was breathing ok, but wanted to know how long I needed to pay attention. Called 5 times, let it ring til the machine picked up each time, she never answered. Sound asleep I am sure. So, then I call my brother, cos he IS allergic, so he would know. He says, 15 min or so, so I am probably fine. We talk for a bit, then I went and put my groceries away, and take an antihistamine like my brother suggested.
So, then I go to call my friends, get some sympathy, cos I am feeling quite sorry for myself. AND NO ONE CAN COME TO THE PHONE. One person's mom said they were in the middle of doing something, another's mom was waiting on an important phone call. Then I couldn't remember neone else's number, so I came downstairs to the computer to look them up in my ady book, and a couple ppl were online, so I whined to them. Went to bed about 2 hours later.
So, wake up this morning, still breathing. (YAY!) My arm isn't swollen much anymore, but the spot where the bee stung me, is white, surrounded by red, and still quite sore. Nothing to do about it, so o well. So I make my breakfast, and get the bottle of snapple I bought yesterday and never drank, and have my breakfast while readin my email. Then, out of no where, I take a sip of the snapple, and choak! Seriously choak. I couldn't breathe for about 20 seconds, couldn't cough. And it really was 20 seconds, cos I looked at the clock. I could feel myself trying to cough, and nothing happening. Finally, I start coughing like crazy, and I was alright. My throat hurts like hell now, but, again, still breathing, so, it's all good.
So, that's my little tale for today. I dunno why the universe suddenly hates me, I haven't done anything lately that I can think of. O well.

Mood= whimper, whimper, whimper, what next?
Voices in my head are singing= funeral dirge maybe
Current Obsession= my bee sting
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August 27, 2002 - 2:50 pm

JUST! my friends

Ok, is it so fucking wrong of me to want to hang out with my friends? Without their current boys (friends, toys, soul mates, whatever)? Cos lately, every damn time I make plans with my friends, one or more of them bring along some guy. And it is now officially WAY past the "pouty cos they have guys and I don't" stage. It has now reached "extremely pissed, cos I never see just my friends anymore".
And you might be thinking, well, so, hang out with the friends who didn't bring a guy each time, as it must occasionally differ, and then eventually, you will have hung out with all of them. And in theory, that works. Except, as you must know, since you exist on the planet earth, and are therefore either a guy or girl, (you must be one or the other, even if your physical and mental states don't match), when you have a group of ppl of the same gender, Ie:all girls and you mix in ppl of the other gender, IE:a straight guy into the aforementioned group, the behavior of the ppl in that group changes.
And that is the problem. Even the girls who rn't with or lusting after the guy who is there, still act differently. Less relaxed. And therefor, less fun to hang out with. I wouldn't mind if it was a once in the while thing, or even like half the time. But in the past month, there has not been one single thing I have done with my friends that did not include someone who falls into some category other then person I am friends with. It's been, boyfriends, and aquaintences, and other friends, and ppl who live nearby, and even adult (40 y/o) family members!
Now, the reason for this rant is that tomorrow, Kate and I were going to finally go to the zoo, which we had been planning for QUITE a while, tho the date had been a bit tentative. And we invited Jen and Liz, cos they r ppl Kate had been friends with for a while, and I had gotten to be friends with this summer. Only, now, it turns out, that either Kate or Jen (I am not sure which, cos Jen said Kate, but she also said she wanted him to come) invited this guy Kate used to like, for about 5 seconds, named Ben. And last time he came to something, Kate spent the whole time curled up around him. Not making out, but wrapped around him none the less. And someone invited this guy, Basil, who is a complete and utter moron. He's one of those guys who is fairly well off moneywise, and reasonably good looking, and has the personality of something you'd scrap off your shoe if you stepped in it. Yeah, I don't like him. He was frequently in my room this summer, and really annoyed me. And beyond that, he was one of the guys who dropped a kid on their head at camp. And he didn't give a damn. I brought up the subject on one of the last days of camp, when he was in my room yet again, and he totally blew it off. Didn't give a damn that the kid got hurt. And Liz invited her boyfriend Byron, who, while not a bad person, has ISSUES.
So, the count is, 3 of my friends, one person (Ben) I don't really know, who one of my friends will likely be all over, one person(Bryon) who, while I don't dislike him, isn't a friend of mine, and one person (Basil) I really dislike and don't care to be around. Now, if it was just Byron or Ben, or maybe even Byron and Ben, I would probably just get over it, and go. I would have less fun, but o well, I'd deal. Wouldn't be happy about it, but would deal. But add Basil, and fuck it. I am not going.
And it really annoys me. Kate KNOWS I don't like Basil. She mentioned inviting him to do something, and I said, something I'm not going to be at thanks. And she invited Ben too. Now, alright, I didn't flat out say, Us only. Apparently I should have. But Kate knows I can't stand Basil. And she invited him anyway. WITHOUT EVEN FUCKING TELLING ME. If Jen hadn't happened to mention it, I wouldn't have even known. AND I WANTED TO HANG OUT WITH JUST MY FRIENDS, at least once this summer.
So, I'm not going. And when I told Jen that, she get all mad at me. And I am quite sure Kate is going to get pissy too, nevermind all the utterly inconsiderate shit she does. Hopefully, at least Liz won't bitch at me.
On the Subject of inconsiderate shit Kate had done, We were supposed to go to the zoo Monday. And I had my allergy shot, so I had to do extreme arranging of my schedule to be able to go to the zoo. And then Kate bails. On Monday morning. And she says, well, her mom isn't letting her out of the house. I ask, didn't she tell her mom about the plan ahead of time? Well, no, cos it wasn't sure when we were going. Never mind that it had been planned for a week, to be on monday, and on Saturday I had emailed both Kate and Jen, to say monday was good. I had only mentioned that it was a problem, cos of my allergy shot, on sunday evening. Well after she should have told her mom about it, to make sure that her mom would let her, knowing her mom. And even when I mentioned it might be a problem Sunday nite, I ended with, it would probably work out. And I was supposed to call her at 11 on monday, but by then, I was already at the doctor's. And she talked to Jen at like 11 anyway, and I had called Jen, cos I could call Jen earlier then I could call Kate. So, she bailed. And now, I think she just did it cos, Basil got back from vacation today, and she wanted to invite him.
Ok, I am done now. Still pissed, but slightly less nuclear.

Mood= nearly nuclear
Voices in my head are singing= every MP3 on my hard drive, shuffled
Current Obsession= laptop computers
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August 26, 2002 - 4:22 pm


Ok, so, last entry, I was talking about stuff I had done with friends. And this is kinda about that too, except, different mood.


Yes, it's just cos I am not with anyone now, and haven't gotten any in WAY too long. But just cos I know why I am in this mood, does not negate this mood. Cos, last Monday, was the last day Nick was free to do stuff before he left for school on Saturday. And it also just happened to be the ONE day Chris was back from the beach. So Jen & Nick, and Kate & Chris, and Sofija, and I, all got together to hang out. I invited Sofija, cos I wanted one NON couple person to hang out with. So we all met at smoothie time, and hung out, and then saw a movie. Then Sofija left, and J&N, and K&C, and I went to the park.
I was so totally extraneous. I could have fallen off the face of the planet, or STAYED HOME IN THE FIRST PLACE, and it would have made no difference whatsoever. Kate & Chris were all over each other constantly. And Jen & Nick, while not making out in public, were totally wrapped up in each other. Which, understandable, but, still, no fun for me. I really don't know why Jen insisted I come. But o well.
So, then, today, Jen and Kate and Liz and I were going to go to the zoo. Except, my schedule was all messed up, with my allergy shot, and being at my parents. So I totally arranged things, just to go to the zoo. And then Kate bails. I am SO not happy with her. So, I don't KNOW Kate bailed, and I meet Jen at Smoothie Time. She tells me Kate and Liz have bailed. So Jen and I hung out for a couple hours. She told me all about her love life for the past year, which was cool. Then we called Kate and Liz. Turned out Liz COULD hang for a little while. Just, not zoo, cos, she just got back, and not enough time to have told her mom before.
So, Liz is going to meet us. And she does. And we are in Smoothie Time, getting smoothies, and Byron walks in. She hadn't mentioned inviting him. And there was recently this whle thing about him cheating on her, and then saying he didn't, he was testing how much she loved him. Whatever. He's warped. Unfortunately, he's not so bad when he's sane, so I find it hard to utterly despise him. So, yes, hanging with Jen and Liz, much fun. But Byron & Liz, combined with Jen & Nick and Kate & Chris last week, I am just feeling very anti-couple. Yes, I just need to get laid, and I'll feel better. But it doesn't look like that will be happening any time soon, so I shall just mope, and be depressed for a short while. O well.

Mood= Anti-Couples, Anti Love
Voices in my head are singing= nothing
Current Obsession= you read the entry, what do YOU think?
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August 07, 2002 - 9:11 pm

Movies, Movies, Movies

So, was just out. Saw Spy Kids 2 with Amsley. O, and had seen signs yesterday with Jen and Nick and Kate and Amsley and Andrew. More about that in a min.
So, Today. Spy Kids 2 with Ams. I went a bit early, was going to get some food. Only when I got to Smoothie Time, and went to get out my check card, I realized I didn't have it. So I used one of my buy 7 smoothies, get one free cards, cos I have a couple that have 7 stamps on them. And Amsley had already gotten the tickets online, or rather her dad had. And then she got her own soda. We went to Ruby Tuesday's after, and SHE COULDN'T FIND HER CREDIT CARD!! And it's her mom's! She had it at the theater. So I was going to pay for our food with a check, but they don't take checks. So Ams ended up having to use an emergency $20 she had in her wallet. I felt SOO bad. But we are going to go see XXX on friday, and I will just pay for everything, and feel better.
So, we get done at Ruby Tuesday's, and her mom is driving me back, and we go around the corner from the theater, and Ams says, "Isn't that what's her name?" And I looked, and it was Kate and Jen. And so I said to Ams's mom, "you can let me out here." So I ended up hanging out with Kate and Jen from about 7-9. We stood around by Smoothie Time for a few minutes, but Kate's sandal had broken, so we went to my house to fix it. Only I didn't have a staple gun, so we couldn't.
I did something I REALLY shouldn't have done. I was online chatting last nite with Nick, who is with Jen. Not dating, but only because he made a rule not to "date" anyone for the year before he leaves for college. Anyway, so, last nite, he and I chatted, and he told me about what he and Jen had done the nite before, and how he felt about her. And so when Jen and Kate and I were hanging out, I told Jen what he had said. And then when we were at my house, I let her read the IM, cos I have a program called AIM+, that keeps a history of all your convos. And I know I shouldn't have, cos Nick complained before about ppl doing that, about Liz letting Jen read things Nick had said to Liz about Liz. But this was sorta different, this was the person the things were about, right? Yes, I know, I am reaching, and trying to justify my actions. O well.

So, tuesday, signs. We were planning monday night. And it was going to be me and Kate. And then Jen was going to meet us after camp, and we were all going to get food. And so then I had the idea to invite Nick, cos he had been complaining about not getting to see Jen before he left for school. And so Nick decided to come to the movie too, instead of just for food after, which meant Jen wanted to come too.
Ok, I got all caught up in chatting with ppl while I was writing this, and Now my uncle wants the computer. So. more later, or possibly tomorrow.

Mood= Naughty
Voices in my head are singing= None
Current Obsession= MY TONGUE RINGS CAME!!!
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August 06, 2002 - 12:02 pm

More Movie

So. The movie yesterday was fun. Saw Minority Report, and it was definately good. And Haning out with Ams was fun, cos I hadn't seen her in a while. We might do something again later this week.
So today, I am going to see Signs with Jen, Kate and Nick. And Kate got all whiney, cos she has already seen it, but there was a very tight time schedule, cos Jen doesn't get home from her camp until 4:15 or 4:30, and since I am going to be paying for 2 tickets, mine and Kate's, I wanted to go before 6, when the prices r cheaper. But I think Kate was mostly upset that Nick was coming to the movie, and so was Jen. Cos there was recently a whole big thing, I forget if I wrote about it, and it ended up with Nick and Jen together, and Kate feeling depressed, even tho she HAS a BF.
So, I did a little shopping yesterday, all I ended up buying was a CD. Nine Inch Nails, All that could have been. It's a compilation of live performances, and not just recent songs, earlier stuff too. Haven't listened to it yet, but will. Eventually. And my tongue ring stuff I ordered should get here today. Since we are meeting at the theater at 4:30ish, it MIGHT be here before I leave. I hope.
So that's it for now. More later. I've made the add an entry page of Diaryland my home page, so every time I open my browser, there it is. Makes it difficult to forget to write.

Mood= Happyish
Voices in my head are singing= some 80's pop that is in my head
Current Obsession= still tongue rings
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August 05, 2002 - 12:22 pm

awake for 30 hours

YAY. Some of my friends like me. :) hehehe. Yes, I know. It's just that one little group, 3 ppl, who r acting like they rn't really my friends, but they are the group I hang out with the most often, especially during the summer. So them treating me the way they are, really bugged me. But anyway. Some of my friends still like me. :)
Ams called me last night, asked if I wanted to do something today. And I said yeah, but to talk to me today, cos I was all sleepy last night, what with the having been awake for 30 hours and all. So she called me this morning, at a quite reasonable 10:30, and said Minority Report, which we had discussed seeing, was playing at Mazza, at 1:15 or 4. And I said 4 sounded good, cos I wanna go get my allergy shot first, since Mazza is right near my doc's. So today should be fun. Might even do some shopping at Mazza.
So why you ask, was up I awake for 30 hours? Because camp had ended, and so I stayed up late friday nite. Til like 4 am. And then slept til 3 pm Saturday. So it was like 8 am Sunday morning before I got sleepy. And if I had gone to bed then, my sleep schedule would have been all fucked up. Yeah, my body would have thought it was perfect, cos I am so totally nocturnal. But when it comes to the whole interacting with other human beings thing, it helps to be awake during the daytime. So I stayed up from 3 pm Saturday, until 9 pm Sunday. I would have gone to bed earlier Sunday, but when the sun goes down, I wake back up somewhat. I was just DEAD tired at like 6 pm, but then around 8, just when I was thinking about letting myself go to bed,(cos if I go to bed too early, then I wake up in the middle of the nite, and that isn't good either.), I started to get energized again, and ended up not going to bed til around 9.
So, that was my weekend, that and the buying stuff on Saturday. And today I am off to allergy shot, movie, and maybe some shopping. And my banner has only gotten a 1.6% clickthrough rate. That means of all the ppl who have seen it, only 1.6% have clicked it. :( I only submitted it for 1000 views, so I added another 4000. Maybe it will do a bit better if it has a longer run. And if not, I have 25000 views left, I can make a new one.

Mood= Happyish
Voices in my head are singing= some stupid hip hop song that got stuck in my head somehow.
Current Obsession= Tongue Rings again. When WILL they arrive?
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August 04, 2002 - 8:59 am


Ok, so, I created my banner and uploaded it. I set it for 1000 views, and I will see what kind of clickthrough it gets. And I uploaded a pic of me to use in my profile, and included it in the HTML for my diary. And set up my comments, and extra fields, and a couple ppl I met in chat signed my guestbook, and notes.
I have now been awake for 18 hours, since 3 pm saturday. I should go to bed, but at the same time, I shouldn't. I should, cos sleep is good. But I shouldn't, cos that's all it will take to throw me into my old sleep pattern, having gone to bed friday nite/saturday morning at 6am and sleeping til 3pm Saturday, and then going to bed now, and sleeping til like 5 or 6. That's all it will take, and I will once again be nocturnal. So. I shall attempt to do other things, and see if my body will let me stay awake.

So I spent quite a lot of money yesterday. I bought 8 CDs from BMG. 4 of them were my leftover free CDs from signing up, so I only paid S&H. One was regular price, plus S&H, and the last 3 were free on a buy one get 3 sale, so I just paid S&H on those 3. So I got 8 CDs for about $40. Then I got 9 DVDs from Columbia House. 3 were full price, to fulfill the membership agreement. (you know, we give you x number free, you buy x number in x years). The other 6 were on sale, buy one full price, get 2 @ $10 off each. Plus, free S&H on all, when you buy 3 or more. So I saved $60, and got free S&H. So I am happy about that.
The CDs are Aqua-Aquarium & Aquarius, Meredith Brooks-Deconstruction, No Doubt-Return Of Saturn, Red Hot Chili Peppers-Out in L.A. & What Hits!?, A Knight's Tale Soundtrack, and the Ocean's Eleven Soundtrack. The DVDs are 10 Things I Hate About You, Run Lola Run, Dinotopia, Cats Ultimate Edition, Cheap Trick: Live in Australia, Elvis: That's the Way It Is, Three Kings, Go, and Pump Up the Volume. The Elvis is for my mom.

Then I went to www.funkytownmall.com and got a bunch on tongue ring stuff. I got a clear tongue piercing retainer, which you wear when you don't want to wear an actual tongue ring, a basic steel barbell, shorter then the on that was used to pierce my tongue (15mm instead of 19), a steel barbell that has one purple jewel set in the ball on the top, a steel barbell that has lots of little purple jewels set in the top ball, and single balls in translucent purple, solid lilac, solid purple, dark purple, and black. And I sprung for second day shipping, because it was only $6 more, and I figured since I was ordering on a weekend, it was gonna be like friday or even next week before the stuff arrived with regular shipping, but second day should get it to me by monday, tuesday at the latest. Then I signed up for the diaryland super gold thing, and then I bought some software that I use and like called cursorxp. It's only $10, and according to one of their employees on their newsgroup, that $10 will buy me upgrades all the way through at least version 2. (It's currently version 1.2, and quite good, not buggy at all in my experience.) So that was my little shopping spree. I also looked at some boots at www.fredericks.com, but had some questions that were not answered in the description, so I won't be buying those until customer service gets back to me.

Mood= sleepy
Voices in my head are singing= aqua, candyman
Current Obsession= my sleeping habits
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August 04, 2002 - 6:07 am

Super Gold Membership

YAY Super Gold membership. Banners, and Stats tracker, and comments, and extra fields, image hosting, and diary backup. I'm having fun. Look for changes in diary shortly.

Mood= Amused
Voices in my head are singing= Cheap Trick-The Flame
Current Obsession= TONGUE RINGS!!
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August 03, 2002 - 10:37 pm

Friends? I think not.

They all suck. They totally ignore me unless they want something from me. Whenever they have a problem, they whine to me about it, but if I try to talk about something that is bugging me, they can't even pay attention. They take advantage of me, completely use me. They tell me all about their lives, make me swear not to tell anyone else, and then get pissed off at me when I don't tell what other ppl have told me. And THEN they get pissed off if I tell anyone else anything, even stuff that doesn't say anything, never mind that if I didn't tell THEM at least a little of what other ppl told me, they would get pissed. They ditch me, even when we were all working at the same place, we never hung out. And if I would go and find them and hang out with them, 5 minutes later they'd have to go do something. They never invite me to do anything. Most of the time, I don't even find out til later. And even when someone does mention it before hand, unless I totally invite myself, they STILL don't invite me. I sit there and drop hints, "o, that sounds fun. o, I'm free then." and they just ignore me. And when I am like, well, I think I'll come, they don't act like I am welcome. These ppl are supposed to be my friends, but lately I don't feel like they are anymore.

Mood= pissed off
Voices in my head are singing= none
Current Obsession= ways to make my "friends" fall on their knees and beg forgiveness
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