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October 26, 2003 - 2:23 pm


I went to the movies last night, with Mike. Mike is the guy who I met when Emily was visiting from Cali, he's a friend of hers, and he and I have been chatting online since. He's a nice guy, good sense of humor. I could see us really being good friends. Plus he's kinda cute, which is never a bad thing. And hey, someone MY OWN AGE to hang out with once in a while, woohoo!
I joined the Smithsonian associate thing. $19 for a year cos I joined the local resident version. It's cool, you get all sorts of benefits, like discounted tickets to stuff. I bought a ticket to a thing on the 30th, the day before Halloween, it's called Great Moments in Screen Terror: The Scare Tactics of Hollywood, and it sounds like it'll really be fun.

Mood= calm
Voices in my head are singing= Bauhaus-Doubledare.mp3
Current Obsession= getting out of the house more often
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October 22, 2003 - 5:42 pm


woohoo! Sushi, delivered free. (cos I ordered more than $15 worth.) Yummy!

Mood= pleased
Voices in my head are singing= Bangles-I'll Set You Free.mp3
Current Obsession= SUSHI!!!
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October 22, 2003 - 4:19 pm


AGAIN. hmm. oddness. the container of brownies, the calculator on the screen in front of the webcomic, and my thinking about sushi. bizarre!

Mood= confused
Voices in my head are singing= Bangles-Complicated Girl.mp3
Current Obsession= deja vu
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October 16, 2003 - 6:30 am


The weirdest thing just happened. I have a prog that says what time it is every 15 minutes. And, I'd swear it said 6:30 twice, a bit apart, maybe 20 minutes or so. And both times it said 6:30, my uncle was at the front door of the house about to leave. But I was doing different things each of the two times. And it can't be that the clock had the time wrong, cos it auto-syncs it every hour, and it's never more than 1 second off. And usually is some tiny little fraction of one second off.

Mood= confused, tired
Voices in my head are singing= they're just going, 'huh?'
Current Obsession= wtf was that?
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October 14, 2003 - 8:13 pm


look at the picture. read the caption. think about the picture. be amused. don't they look happy? really happy. 'I KNEW there was a condom somewhere around here. YAY, let's get to the sex.' happy

Mood= amused
Voices in my head are singing=
Current Obsession= That pic!
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October 14, 2003 - 6:44 pm


The nearest branch of my bank, which is about 1.3 miles away, just added a 24hour ATM! Which is GREAT! Cos, I bank at the Navy Credit Union (father's a vet), and, the nearest ATM was the one at the national naval hospital in Bethesda. But about a year ago, they closed that off to any non-military, so, after that, the nearest ATM was in laurel, which is like 30 miles away. And then this winter, I discovered there had always been a branch of the bank about 1.3 miles from the house (tho I think it used to not be open to nonmilitary. That's what I'm telling myself anyway.) But their hours suck, they are only open til 3:30 weekdays, and not at all weekends. But now, with the ATM, I can always just use that, instead of worrying about getting there before they close. It still doesn't help if I ever need to get something credited right away on a Saturday, I'll still have to go to the nearest branch with Saturday hours which is in Virginia, but still. A shiny new ATM near my house is of the good.

Mood= pleased
Voices in my head are singing= nothing, just narrating
Current Obsession= easily accessing my money *grin*
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October 08, 2003 - 3:06 pm



Mood= Triumphant
Voices in my head are singing= Go Hel You Da Girl!
Current Obsession= Fixing things
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October 07, 2003 - 4:00 pm

Catchup, again *grins*

Sold some stuff on ebay, and made a NICE chunk of change. Bit nicer than it might have been otherwise, cos I had signed up for a stamps.com free trial, and they gave me $25 of postage to use, so I essentially got to ship the things I sold on ebay for free. And, of course, I charged the people who bought the things shipping anyway, although it was perfectly fair shipping. So I made $22.60 more than I would have, cos it was 4 items, $5 shipping each, and $1.30 for insurance on 2 of them. All told, after ebay and paypal fees, I made about $78. Which is definite cause for a WOOHOO. Even if I did spend damn near that much at RennFest Sunday.
OOO, Rennfest! *giggles giddily and dances around* Me got to see Sissie! Yeah, I'm reduced to a hyperactive 3 year old over FINALLY getting to spend some time with my sis Delle after not having seen her in about a year and a half. And it was really great to get to see her. Even tho we were doing a bunch of stuff, so the focus was more on the RennFest then on hanging out. Still, it was great. And RennFest was fun too. I bought a pair of knife earrings, and ended up giving one to Delle.
Anyway, this morning, I went out to mail the packages that were the stuff I sold on Ebay, and decided to get breakfast since it was approximately 8:30 am. So, went to Smoothie Time, got a smoothie, but they were all out of the kind of muffin I like (french vanilla with chocolate chips), so I decided to walk the 2 extra blocks to McD's, and get one of those new McGriddle things, cos I hadn't tried em yet. (Note-They're delish! I highly advise them for your breakfast related dietary indulgences.) So, I'm about to cross the driveway of McD's to go in, and a red jeep turns off the street into the parking lot. And I think, 'hey, that looks familiar.' Then I look at the driver, and it's Lemi, from camp this summer. So that amused me. I waved, and we both went inside at about the same time, and did fairly typical chitchat while in line and then ordering. I said sorry I hadn't made it to the football game he invited me to back in early Sep, but he said no worries. He told me the reason he was out (rather than at school) was a bunch of the guys on the football team got their wallets (and in a couple cases, their pants) stolen from the locker room at the last away game, his (wallet) among them. So he had to go to the DMV and get a replacement. But his mother told him he couldn't miss 2nd period class, so he didn't even have time to get in line at the DMV before he had to leave to get to school. And then we were both done, and turned to leave, and he gave me a hug, which I thought was sweet. And then I came home, and ate my McGriddle sandwich, and actually got some useful and productive stuff done. So yay me.
Was sorting my favs, cos I have this bad habit of just adding things to my favs and then never visiting them again, and came across the link to that woman's website, that got all pissy about Dana. And she had updated it! And again direct posted my journal entries. But I'm kinda amused by that, cos there were a couple things I essentially said directly to her, which she completely and utterly ignored. And then went on to behave in the same utterly juvenile manner. So, I deleted the link in my favs, and will hereby never think about it again, since it turned out that while I could in fact take legal action against her, it would be a massive waste of time, in that what I would get in return, other that the satisfaction of having legally bitch slapped her, would be pretty much bupkus.

Mood= amused, mildly horny
Voices in my head are singing= Nothing at the moment, tho they were earlier, but I forget what
Current Obsession= the green stuff that the world revolves around (and no, not the green stuff you smoke. Silly)
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October 03, 2003 - 10:17 am


Identity is a freaky fucked up film. Daaaaaaymn.

Mood= freaked
Voices in my head are singing= as I was going up the stairs I met a man who wasnt there he wasnt there again today I wish he would go away
Current Obsession=
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October 02, 2003 - 5:08 am

As usual...

I was awake at 4am. Not quite so usual, I am at my parent's. And I decided I wanted hot chocolate. But there was no milk. (couldn't I have made it with water you ask? bah! true hot chocolate is only made with milk!) So, I decided to walk to 7-11 at 4:30am and buy milk. No one was awake to drive me to Giant, and I like walking. So, went to giant, bought my milk, along with some nice hot premade hot chocolate, and 2 giant croissants. mmmmmmm.
So, I finally found out what's up with the stuff on ebay. Turns out, it was NOT shipped when I was originally told it had been. Which, not good, but I'll live. The guy said in the email that they've got 2 ppl out sick, so, I'll be forgiving. he gave me the dates of when everything did/will be shipped, so, at least now I know.

Mood= pleased for the most part
Voices in my head are singing= Come to me from brigadoon
Current Obsession= um, obsession free at the moment. 'cept for chocolate, and that's too much a given to mention
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October 01, 2003 - 1:06 am

Pleased, and Displeased

I'm EXTREMELY amused by my blunt truth.com ratings. REALLY REALLY amused. A couple of the questions, I'm not really surprised by the rating I got, but it pleases me, because it means that how I think people perceive me is indeed how they perceive me. A couple of the questions did surprise me a little, but they were questions I put in for fun, and the way they surprised me was positive. So, yeah. Amused and pleased Hel.
Not pleased however, by the person on ebay I bought some stuff off of. I paid on Thursday Sep 25th. The payment was picked up that same day. I got an email that night, saying my items would be shipped friday the 26th. I emailed Saturday afternoon, requesting the tracking number. Got an email back Monday saying the tracking number would be emailed to me Tuesday. Well, tuesday is OVER, and no tracking number. And, if the package was mailed Friday by UPS, it wouldn't have been out of line to expect it today (tuesday), or tomorrow (wednesday). I IMed the person this evening (tuesday) around 8 pm, and he said he was working til 11, but would get the email off to me tonight. Still haven't gotten it. I'm displeased. Quite.

Mood= See title *grin*
Voices in my head are singing= Hepburn-I quit (winamp)
Current Obsession= How ppl see/think of me, and when am I getting my stuff!
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