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March 30, 2005 - 12:29 am


So, I just spent an insane ($350) amount of money on 2 tickets to see NIN in NY in May. But I figure I'll either sell the second ticket to someone I know who also wants to go for what it cost me, or ebay it and make a bit of money off it. Or if nothing else, eat the cost of it and take one of my friends, probaby Danielle, for free.
Now to figure out which one of my friends, or which friend of a friend, has a couch I could sleep on. Heh. I'm insanely happy. I'm bouncing around like a teletubby that's on speed, ecstasy, and is sugar high. Wonder if I'm gonna be like this for the next 6 weeks.
And I just may have a ride to NY, and a cute guy to attend the concert with. Possibly. We'll see.

Mood= scarily happy
Voices in my head are singing=
Current Obsession=
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March 28, 2005 - 11:36 pm


Turned out AFBoi wasn't leaving til Wednesday, so I spent Saturday night at his place. Was fun, but quite a bit less fun than it could have been, because he hadn't eaten since Friday morning and sorta fell over and died. (not literally of course.) He woke up horny in the morning, but I didn't, so, again, less fun than it could have been.
Was supposed to meet Trigger for dinner and a movie Sunday night (yes, I found out his first name, and no, I haven't come up with a nic to refer to him by yet). Unfortunately, his boss called and said she needed him to come in to work on a project (that apparently is totally not his responsibility and that he told her months ago needed to be worked on). He bitched about having to cancel plans, but canceled on me. Then he decided he was in a pissy mood, so he wasn't going to go in when he told her he'd be there by, and wait for her to call back. Which she didn't do. So he finally called her, to find out that since he'd bitched and then not shown up, she was going to work on it herself! So he didn't need to have canceled our plans, except by this time it was too late to uncancel. Which kinda really sucked, cos I was seriously in the mood for cuddles, and more than a little horny to top it off. First meeting rule and all, but, it's my rule, I can bend it if I want to! We rescheduled for tonight, but then he ended up having to work on the same project again.
Amsley's home from school for break, so I went to see Robots with her Sunday night. Was good to hang out and catch up, and Robots is a fun movie.
Still haven't heard from the new job at school as to when I'm supposed to start. It's sorta getting to the 'you did hire me, cos I specifically asked if all that was left was deciding when I'd start. So, when the #$%&@! do I start?' point.
I was bad, and didn't call planned parenthood today. But since Kate never got back to me, it's already too late for me to start any form of birth control (shot or pill) and have it be immediately effective. So, there'll be a bit of a delay. Dunno that I see me getting laid this week or next week anyway, with AFBoi out of town, DomBoi a write off, and no other guys I've actually met yet available. Well, except GoogleBoi, and, meh, I just don't really see me doing anything with him. We just didn't really get along as people, and there weren't any sparks sexually.
I dunno, I'm just feeling pouty and sorry for myself tonight. And Dland still hasn't fixed whatever the last server crash messed up, so the comments links for all my entries are still borked.

Mood= pouty
Voices in my head are singing=
Current Obsession=
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March 26, 2005 - 7:59 pm


Ain�t nothing working ain�t nothing right
There�s a hole in me that I can�t fill
No matter how hard I try
I�m looking for trouble tonight
No baby don�t trust me tonight
I can�t be alone tonight
I can�t trust myself tonight
Baby please don�t trust me tonight
No you cant trust me tonight

Mood= tempted
Voices in my head are singing=
Current Obsession=
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March 25, 2005 - 1:32 am

more whining

Can someone please explain why the hell so many of the guys I get along really well with online are horribly horribly shy, to the point where I have to ask them out, and then beat them about the skull with a giant hammer to get them to actually show up? *whine*

Voices in my head are singing=
Current Obsession=
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March 24, 2005 - 7:20 pm


Damnit, I'm horny.
Air Force boi seems often in a crappy not wanting to play cos work sucks mood, and when he's not, I have to work and can't play. Plus he's going on vacation in a week or so, which will take him out of the 'Hel's boitois' category for a while.
Domboi from last spring will NOT make plans. I swear, this is how it goes with him. 'Wanna do something in 5 days? 'I don't like to make plans so far in advance.' I wait 3 days. 'Wanna do something in 2 days?' 'I dunno, I've got stuff.' I try and get ahold of him the day of, he's magically fallen off the face of the planet.
Googleboi from last spring, who IMed me again a bit ago, has a schedule that just does not work with mine. When he's free, I'm working, and when he's working, I'm free.
B'moreboi, lives in Baltimore, currently commutes by train cos his car died again, and so can not do anything except during his lunch/dinner break, which isn't long enough for any fun.
I still haven't met Furryboi IRL, and he doesn't seem inclined to suggest we actually meet, just agrees when I say we should.
DivorcedWithKids whines about driving into DC so I can actually meet him IRL, and whines when I refuse to take metro into VA cos it'd leave me dependent on him for a ride home. Whines repeatedly, after repeated explanations as to why that won't be happening.
Scienceboi, meh, we met and hung out at the Sex Worker's Art Show, and got along ok, but not great. He missed 'cuddle me' cues. I haven't really much gotten ahold of him since, and the couple times we did chat since, he didn't show any inclination to hang out again, so, he's a write-off.
Been chatting with a new local guy (nic-trigger, I'll come up with a reference for him when I know him better), who so far sounds pretty fun. But we've been chatting barely a week. I'll probably do the F2F meeting thing soon, in the next couple weeks, but he's not currently a sex possibility, not til after the first meeting.
*sigh* I dunno, it sorta feels like maybe the universe is shaping up to do the same thing it has before, I go on birth control and suddenly all the guys I thought I was gonna be playing with disappear. Oh, and I had a fun convo with planned parenthood. The previous convo had gone 'Come in within the first 4 days of your period.' 'But I dunno when my period is going to be this month.' 'Well, call on your first day, and we'll make you an appointment.' So I call today, and get 'I'm sorry, we can't make an appointment with you for the next 8 days.' Hence the decision to see if Kate has a pack of pills I can bum, so I can start them when they're supposed to be started, so they'll be immediately effective, instead of a 7-21 day time span wherein they are not effective. Even tho I really shouldn't be sleeping with boi w/o condom even when I am on the pill. Regardless of how good it feels.
Ok, so, yeah, that's the whine. I'm done now. For the moment.

Mood= whiney
Voices in my head are singing=
Current Obsession=
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March 24, 2005 - 1:45 pm


3.0 mbit/768 kbit DSL for $30 a month. 20 mbytes a minute down, 5 mbytes a minute up (approximately). For $30 a month! *geekgasm*
Can't go to Planned Parenthood til next week. I'm unhappy. Had decided to go with the pill, cos it's cheaper, and probably take them so as not to bleed every month. Take em so I bleed every 3 or 4 months. But since I can't get them within 5 days of starting my period this month, it means they won't be effective right away. But I'm going to see if Kate can let me have a pack, so I can start them on time, and then I'll give her the pack back out of my prescription once I've gotten it filled. Which she'll probably do, if she's got the pack to spare, cos she did the same from a friend of hers when she started 'em.

Mood= geektacular
Voices in my head are singing=
Current Obsession=
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March 24, 2005 - 10:07 am


Hey, lookit that, the internet works again. YAY! After I unplugged every phone in the house. Heh.
So, apparently, my body heard me bitching about not bleeding, and went, fine, you wanna bleed? HERE! So, yay. Heh. Yayfor bleeding. That seems an odd thing to say somehow. Alright, I'm off to the dentist to get the broken temporary crown redone. Back later.

Voices in my head are singing=
Current Obsession=
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March 24, 2005 - 12:54 am

Bad day

Had to come to mom's to go to dentist. being @ mom's=not good. got to do laundry, yay. overslept and was late for dentist, boo. dentist didn't really hurt cos of novacaine, but I think the new crown is messed up, cos when i drink liquid or eat hot/cold/sugary things, it hurts. got $350 worth of stuff today, courtesy of mom, including $150-200 worth of mostly purple panties and bras. Also purple clothes. The temporary crown on my other tooth the dentist worked on broke during dinner, so I have to go back to the dentist tomorrow. Got home to find phone dead, I think cos of the rain, so I am currently huddled on the stone porch in 45 degree rainy weather so my PDA will connect to the neighbor's open wireless. (cos no phone means no DSL.) Then I tripped, cos mom barely has a walkway through the living room, couldn't catch myself, and nearly hit my eye on exposed boards on the steps. I pushed myself forward in the fall to I hit my head on the steps instead. *sigh* So, my body can't seem to decide if I'm bleeding or not, I just keep spotting, which worries me, cos that's so not normal for me. But I am like 10 days early cos of the MA pills. Ah well, mom also gave me $ for planned parenthood, tho I didn't say what it was for, just said 'a bill'. So off to PP I shall go Friday morning. So, yeah, my day sucked, how was yours?

Mood= argh & blah
Voices in my head are singing=
Current Obsession=
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March 20, 2005 - 12:35 am


I forgot to mention, I've lost 10 pounds in like the past 14 days (I forget exactly when I last weighed myself.) Heh. Sex is such good exercise, as is randomly wandering DC.

Mood= pleased
Voices in my head are singing=
Current Obsession=
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March 19, 2005 - 10:25 pm


All you can ever remember are the moments that made you cringe, the moments you'd unlive if only someone would give you a chance to. You can't remember any of the moments that made you smile, or laugh. But they must have been there. You don't grow up sane without having at least a few moments that make you smile. And you grew up sane, didn't you?

Voices in my head are singing=
Current Obsession=
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March 17, 2005 - 5:58 pm

I'm a wonderkiller!

That's so totally me. I either know the answer, or feel compelled to figure out what makes sense as the answer.

Mood= amused
Voices in my head are singing=
Current Obsession=
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March 17, 2005 - 4:35 pm


Raise your hand if you actually believe me as a grownup. *looks around, sees no raised hands* Yeah, that's what I thought. *smile*

You Are 28 Years Old
Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.

13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.

20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.

30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!

40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax.

Voices in my head are singing=
Current Obsession=
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March 17, 2005 - 3:30 pm


I got a new job. Computer tech at school, 15-20 hours a week. Only $7 an hour tho, $8 once I've got 60 credit hours. Dunno yet when I'll be starting, and I think I'm going to try dropping one shift at my current job so I work 3 shifts (12-15 hours a week) there, and work this job at school, and see how that works out. If I manage that for like 6 weeks or so, I could possibly have my credit card paid off. That'd be nice. Got my paycheck today, and deposited that and my check for tuition from my uncle, and then paid my cell phone bill and my tuition for next month. And went out to lunch to celebrate getting the new job, but wasn't really extravagant, just got a yummy chicken meal.
Was at Brian's again Tuesday night. Much fun was had. I won't bother being explicit, just scroll back a couple entries if you want explicitness. Was really amusing tho, he kept thinking things some other girl had said about which fast food places she liked, were things I had said, and then getting really flustered when I told him otherwise. We watched a bunch of farscape, up to I think the 5th ep maybe the 6th.
Finally had time to play in the shower in the morning, tho since we didn't have protection, we stopped before we got very far. (protection being spermicide, cos I'm so addicted to sex w/o condoms now. Yeah, yeah, Bad Hel, I know, I know.)
I called planned parenthood today, and asked about Depo Provera shots. It's $120 for the first shot, and has to be done either during the first 4 days of one's period, or when one has not had sex for 2 weeks. So I'm going to wait and see which of those conditions I meet first (I'm kinda feeling crampy, so I suspect it'll be the period one), and go in then. And hey, that's only $60 more than the pill, means I won't bleed for 3 months, and means I don't have to remember to take a pill every day. Not too bad over all.

Voices in my head are singing=
Current Obsession=
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March 14, 2005 - 12:35 am

Online Psych Test

I find it really amusing that the descriptions of disorders, such as, oh, Anti-Social behavior for example, almost always use male pronouns. Yes, I realize far more guys exhibit these behaviors than do women, but you'd think these writers would understand the concept of gender neutral pronouns! And for the record, I don't think this online test takes into account that sometimes things in the past give one a valid reason for thinking the way one does. In other words, get fucked over enough times, and by just the right (or wrong) people, and what reason have you got to NOT think everyone is out to fuck you over?
Narcissistic:Very High

-- Personality Disorder Test - Take It! --

Mood= bored
Voices in my head are singing=
Current Obsession=
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March 13, 2005 - 10:10 pm


Dude. Checking the stats for hits on my diary is hysterical. I'll include some of the more amusing referrers below (non-geek translation-referrers=webpages people came to my webpage from). All the listed ones except the 9 am one were from the same IP (non-geek translation-they were all the same person). Who the hell uses webtv?!
17:01:16 Google for my diary URL and the word bra
16:58:47 Google for my diary URL and the word bra
16:55:26 Google for my diary URL and the word pussy
16:51:28 Google for my diary URL and the word vibrator
16:27:38 Google for my diary URL and the word cock
16:24:42 Google of just my diary for the word porn
16:18:17 Google of just my diary for the word cum
16:16:54 Google of just my diary for the word cum
16:10:26 Google of all diaryland for the exact phrase "i give good head"
16:08:14 Google of all diaryland for the exact phrase "i give good head"
16:05:10 Google of all diaryland for the exact phrase "i give good head"
09:01:15 Google for the exact phrase "cum in my mouth"

Mood= amused
Voices in my head are singing=
Current Obsession=
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March 13, 2005 - 2:20 am

Learn to tie your boots!

This is the most fun and practical total waste of time website ever. Almost 2 dozen different ways to lace shoes and boots, from the purely decorative to the purely function. Plus different ways to tie your shoes! Yes, I spent like an hour trying different ways of lacing my boots until I found something I particularly liked.

Mood= amused
Voices in my head are singing=
Current Obsession=
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March 12, 2005 - 4:17 am


Is all I'm saying. Certain people know exactly what it means.

Voices in my head are singing=
Current Obsession=
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March 11, 2005 - 3:48 pm


Fucked Brian again. Was fun, even tho I wore him out. And I'd been awake for like 37 hours too, and he'd only been awake like 12 hours. *pout* But he did last 3 hours nearly continuously, so I guess I'll cut him some slack. *grin* Was good tho. Really good in fact, cos I was bad, and said no condom. But meh, it's at least 5 days before I ovulate, maybe up to 10, and I'm gonna take a morning after pill I have from before when I get home from work tonight, so I won't ovulate at all. Edit later, with details, tho not as explicit as last time, cos I'm too lazy.
Later Edit-Ok, so, to begin with, I had woken up at 1 pm Wednesday. And then I stayed up kinda late Wednesday night doing homework, and then couldn't get to sleep. Since I had class Thursday, I finally gave up trying to sleep, and just decided to go to class tired, skip French (my last class of the day) and come home and crash. I had no plans to do anything Thursday night, cos Brian was seeing Emily, I couldn't get ahold of Mike, Matt, Ed, and Justin all work Fridays, and I barely talk to Brett anymore. So, I go to class, have a decent enough day, my psych prof tells me he's impressed cos I skimmed a chapter we didn't have to read, which he knew I'd done cos I mentioned it during a class discussion, got back my math midterm, which I did ok but not great on, made some stupid mistakes cos I wasn't feeling well the day I took it, and English was good, the prof read the first paragraph of my midterm as one of the examples of a good first paragraph.
So, I get home around 5 Thursday evening, tired, awake 28 hours, but my body won't shut down just yet. So I'm online chatting with people for a couple hours, around 7, I decide I'll go to bed. I put up a silly away msg, about how I'm sleep depped and therefore my inhibitions are lowered, which makes no difference at all and all the difference in the world, but sadly no one wishes to take advantage of the state I'm in, shut off my monitor, am about to get into bed, when I remember I've got library books due, and so I must go to the library website and renew them. So, I turn the monitor back on, and see that Brian has IMed me, asking if I wanna come over cos Emily's sick and bailed, and I had asked a few days before if he was free Thursday night. I'm weighing the pros and cons of going over, pros being cuddling, sex, and sushi, cons being staying awake longer, and taking metro over, when he says he could even come pick me up. *chuckle* He hates to drive, tho he's got a nice enough car, but is willing to drive when it'll get him laid. *grin*
So, since not having to take the metro was a definite selling point, I said, yeah, sure. He asked if I'd wear sexy undies, to which my reaction was, yeah, sure, whatever, my concept being that, it matters not what one's undies look like, since they won't be visible long before they're removed. Since I was wearing cute undies, I figured I'd be girlie and wear my purple pinstripe skirt too (with a grey men's t-shirt, purple thigh highs, and my fav boots, the doc marten rip offs). Turned out I was absolutely right, and the cute bra and panties just got taken off, tho since I teased him about it, Brian made a point of turning on the light and admiring them before taking them off me.
So, got to his place, had some sushi, tho just a couple pieces cos I'd actually eaten at school and so wasn't hungry, watched the first ep of farscape, cos I haven't seen the series, and he couldn't decide if he wanted to try and get me addicted to anime, farscape, or Babylon 5 (or was it battlestar galactica? I always get those two confuzzled). I wanted to actually WATCH the show, so stretched out on the recliner instead of the bed, but Brian stretched out next to me, which mean the actually watching the show bit didn't really go so well, what with his wandering hands distracting me, and my inability to refrain from playing with nice hard cocks that are pressed against me. So about 20 minutes into the ep, I said, ok, moving to the bed now. I (mostly) got to finish watching the ep.
As for the actual fun had, I'm feeling quite lazy, and so am going to do a very abbreviated summary. We made out, I blew him for a bit, he was rubbing his cock across my clit (which is just...gah, brain melty fun), and I decided it'd be fun to have his cock inside me sans condom (I blame the sleep dep making the 'this isn't the best idea' voice in my head quiet, tho it was certainly quite a lot of fun, and we all know my strict no regrets policy *grin*). *sigh* It felt really good. I mean, not a major difference from cock with condom, but, at the same time, totally a whole other thing. A very fun other thing. So yeah. There was SO no chance I was gonna say 'ok, put a condom on now' for the rest of the night, and we ended up playing for about three hours, tho not 3 hours of just fucking, there was also me blowing him (and being evil of course), and him fingering me, and all sorts of other assorted fun. I didn't end up getting off, even after I got out my vibe (note to self, next time, get out vibe first thing!), but I quite enjoyed myself.
Couple things I'll leave out for the sake of discretion (HA, and you thought I didn't know what that was!), couple more things I'm leaving out just out of laziness, but I will mention the very amusing pictures that I ended up taking with my cell, of naked Brian in all sorts of hysterical poses wearing nothing except his uniform hat. Too typical I suppose, but I now understand the motivation for taking pics that are almost exactly the same as pics millions of other people have taken. It's bloody hysterical!
Sadly, the next morning we didn't play in the shower really, because we didn't really have time, since Brian was dropping me at metro, and we thought it was like a 20 minute drive when it turned out to only be 10. And I was surprised coming back on metro, the trip only took 40 minutes, train wise, tho I didn't have to wait on the trains at ALL. I got into the station, train was there, I got on, it left, I got to Chinatown to change trains, walked up the steps, the train I wanted was right there. So it's probably more like 55-60 minutes normally, but still, not that long a trip.

Mood= well fucked
Voices in my head are singing=
Current Obsession=
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March 08, 2005 - 4:28 pm


So, it seems my bad knee is now weather sensitive. I base this on the fact that walking home from school today, it was really hurting. If I bent it when I took a step, it hurt, if I didn't bend it when I took a step it hurt. It's NEVER come up hurting just from walking before, even when I'd walk down into georgetown and back, which is 6 miles total. So, since the only difference from any other time is that it was 26 degrees and windy, it would seem to follow that the knee pain was caused by the weather. Which totally sucks.

Voices in my head are singing=
Current Obsession=
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March 05, 2005 - 9:38 pm


Here are the rules:
1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the next 3 sentences on your blog along with these instructions.
5. Don�t you dare dig for that �cool� or �intellectual� book in your closet! I know you were thinking about it! Just pick up whatever is closest.
"Is it always the same for you?"
"Well, in some ways, yes."
"In what ways?"
Lamb by Christopher Moore, the passage is a teenage Jesus discussing sex with his buddy Biff, in an attempt to understand sin. It's a hysterically funny book. You should totally go read it.

Voices in my head are singing=
Current Obsession=
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March 04, 2005 - 10:15 pm

Sex is good

Warning-The following entry is all sorts of explicit (eventually). If that sort of thing bothers you, don't read it.
mmmm, I'm in a good mood now. Thanks Brian, that was fun. To all (2 of) my loyal readers, I'm feeling lazy right now, but I'll edit this entry later to include details.
Later Edit-So Brian picked me up at school at 7:30, the plan being to stop at my place so I could drop my backpack, and then go into Georgetown and get dinner, see a movie, then head back to his place. I had told him (in the interests of fairness, giving him a chance to say 'well, then it's not worth it to hang out' which he did not say, such a good boi!) that he probably wasn't going to get laid. (yeah, yeah, laugh it up. The voices in my head are bloody well amused.) So we had dinner at Pizzeria Uno's, talked. He was flicking the folded up napkin wrapper at me, and I flicked it back, and it totally went over his shoulder, into seat of the girls at the next table. And our waitress saw, and came over and said, laughing, 'Don't worry, I don't think anyone else saw that.' It was amusing, being silly and behaving childishly in public. And speaking of behaving childishly, Brian had taken like 3 bites of the breadstick that came with the meal, pretended to give it head, and then dumped it on his plate. Until the end of the meal, when he dropped it into my cleavage! Hysterically funny, yes, but also obligating me to get revenge. (I did. Evilly.)
We saw the movie Constantine, it was good. Keanu Reeves was cute, and it had a nicely intricate plot, and didn't do the neatly wrapped up ending thing. And Georgetown theater has those nice seats with the armrests that fold up, so we were cuddling throughout the movie. I was teasing him a bit, but not a lot, mainly running my hand up and down his thigh, tho I did deliberately brush against his cock a couple times.
We got a little bit lost going back to his place, but we figured it out, with a liberal application of U-turns, and some ranting on his part, which I attempted to alleviate by petting him (cos he likes being touched and petted, so I figured it would make him less stressed, tho he says it just turns him on. But I figured, being turned on would tend to distract one from being stressed.). There was a bit of confusion about me showing ID going in (he thought I didn't have to, I had been expecting to, cos, hello, every military base in DC has been on 100% ID check for the past 4 years. I guess maybe he thought it just meant like, military ID or something.).
Once we got to his place, we stretched out on his bed to watch Moulin Rouge (cos there was one chair and the bed, it's a tiny little two room place, the kitchen and the everything-else room). He was going to go change into PJs, but he'd mentioned a couple times that he usually sat around at home naked, so I said he didn't have to wear PJs for my sake. He seemed a lil surprised, but stripped and crawled back under the covers and cuddled back up. We were both lying on our sides, and he was caressing my back, running his hands down along my hips, across my ass. He kept playing with my bra, so I asked if he was trying to unhook it, and he said he wasn't, but then a couple minutes later he did, which was fine with me. He kept running his hands pretty much everywhere he could reach, which is certainly a pleasant, if distracting, way to watch a movie. The giant soda I'd had at the theater caught up with me, so when I came back, I figured since he was naked and kept running his hands under my clothes anyway, I might as well be wearing less of them, so I took off my pants, finished taking off my bra since it was unhooked already, and changed into the t-shirt I'd brought with me. (I brought a t-shirt cos I was wearing my longsleeved purple flannel shirt, which wouldn't be comfy to sleep in, and the plan was me spending the night.) So I was wearing a t-shirt, panties, and thigh-high hose. I ended up stretching out on my stomach for the rest of the movie so I could see a bit better.
Brian kept touching me, particularly rubbing my back, and sliding a finger down between my asscheeks. He was massaging my back, and had my shirt pushed all the way up to my shoulders, and of course I thought of this and couldn't help saying chuckling and saying 'girlflesh'. Which he understood, cos he reads machall and I'd sent him that link when he had mentioned massaging. So, during the course of the movie, we were cuddling, there was lots of kissing and caressing, and at one point Brian stretched out entirely on top of me, being my own personal blankie. And, as I discovered when I got dressed in the afternoon before leaving for work, getting precum all over my panties! *grin* messy boi!
Brian was pushing my shirt up so often, I finally said 'I guess I shouldn't have bothered putting this on after I took the other one off, hmm?' and took it off. But I was still laying on my stomach, so my being shirtless didn't do him much good (then). At some point Brian took off my thigh-highs, but I don't remember specifically when. We finished watching the movie (Moulin Rouge really is a fun movie.), Brian turned off the computer monitor, and we got under the covers and cuddled up.
We cuddled and kissed and generally made out. Turns out Brian quite likes fingernails along his back and asscheeks, so he ended up pretty well torn up. He was toying with my clit, and slid his fingers inside me when I asked (after taking my panties off of course), and went down on me. He's got a nice tongue, and is pretty good with it. After that we went back to just generally making out, including him teasing my ass quite a bit.*smile* It was fun, but we weren't doing much of anything in particular, so I asked if there was anything he wanted to do, with the caveat that one does not always get what one wants.
One time when we'd been chatting online, he said he'd never had a good BJ, so I had said we'd have to fix that. (Hey, I give good head, and if anyone who would know wants to claim otherwise, they are by all means welcome to tell me specifically what they feel I should be doing differently.) So when I asked what he wanted to do, he said he wanted head. I obliged, and had some fun making him whimper and moan, mainly running my tongue around the head, teasing the fun little spot underneath, sliding my mouth off him with my lips closed around him, taking the length of him all the way in a couple times, and toying with his ass off and on throughout. (Bi bois are such fun, they aren't scared of having their asses played with.) I was evil tho, and decided to take it as an opportunity to get revenge for the breadstick in my bra, and so stopped before he came, when he was pretty close. (hehehe. Yes, I am evil, thank you.)
We made out again for a bit, and then Brian asked if I trusted him. *blink* Not like that's a dangerous question or anything. But I finally said I trusted he'd stop if I told him to, so go ahead and do whatever. Whatever turned out to be rubbing the head of his cock across my clit, over and over. It felt....mmmm. Let's just say it's a good thing Brian has good self control, cos there was no way I was telling him to stop at that point, pretty much regardless of what he might have done. But he stopped on his own, and we cuddled and generally made out again for a while.
Then he wanted to try something else, which turned out to be sliding his cock between my breasts. He was a surprised when I licked the head of his cock each time he thrusted, but seemed to enjoy it as he ended up scooting a bit forward and just thrusting back and forth with my tongue running the length of his cock as he did. I wasn't expecting him to stop, and so had my eyes firmly closed, cos figured I was going to end up with a cum face mask.
But he did stop, and we cuddled some more. I told him I hadn't expected him to stop, and that he hadn't had to, to which he pretty much said 'meh'. Then he said he was trying to think of a way to tie me up (he's got, like, the worst bed EVER from the POV of tying people to it.), and asked if that would be something I'd be ok with. I said yeah, I like everything, but pointed out how horrible his bed is for that kind of thing. We ended up with me playing with his cock by hand for a bit, while he gave me very specific directions as to what to do, which turned into my fingers in his ass (once he'd gotten lube). But I guess I was a bit rough, cos, I was working from the assumption that once past the ring of muscle, it's all good (cos that's how it is for me). I asked a gay friend of mine about that today, and he said nah, not necessarily, everyone is different.
So then Brian wanted to return the favor, and I stretched out on my stomach while he ran his cock along between my ass cheeks, which felt nice. He said something along the lines of being tempted to push his cock into my ass, and I said so long as he used plenty of lube, he could. And he did, and seemed to enjoy himself, and came pretty quickly (we'd *only* be playing for like 4 hours at that point, including the making out during the movie). I was enjoying myself throughout, but, quelle surprise, never did get off. We curled up, and went to bed, after he pulled the sheets off the bed cos he didn't want to sleep on the wet spot.
I didn't sleep very well, dunno why. He had some music playing, which wasn't annoying, but it was sound and I didn't have my earplugs. Might have just been the whole, not sleeping in my own bed thing. *shrug* I kept drifting in and out, so I did get some rest, which was good since I had work that evening. We both woke up around 2:45, and we didn't need to leave until like 4:45, so we ended up playing some more, and I decided to invoke feminine options and change my mind, and have actual sex, since, goddess knows we'd done everything ELSE already. *grin* And about 3 minutes in, Brian's phone rang. Which he ignored, until he got both a page and a message, which meant it was almost certainly work, and he couldn't ignore it. So he called them back, (and said I couldn't tease him while he was on the phone with work), but luckily it wasn't them needing him to come in that day. But by then he'd lost the mood. *pout* However, a very little bit of teasing took care of that. I went down on him, and after a bit of that, asked if he wanted to cum in my mouth, or while he was fucking me. I wasn't surprised when he said 'while fucking', so he put on a new condom, and away he went. And went, and went, and went, for about 45 minutes. Boi has definitely got staying power, and then some!
It was just a bit after 4 at that point, and we both needed to shower, so we shared, but didn't really have time to play (much) or I'd have been late for work. He whined a bit, jokingly, about having to give up some of his clean towels, which means he'll have to do laundry sooner, but meh, too bad. He drove me into DC, I even had time to stop and get something to eat before work, and that was that. Quite fun all in all, and I definitely wouldn't mind making it a regular occurrence.

Mood= lazy and satiated
Voices in my head are singing=
Current Obsession=
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March 02, 2005 - 11:42 pm


You fucking coward. I can't even begin to grasp how fucking pathetic and sad your life must be. You actually sat around plotting for a fucking year, over shit that had nothing to do with you to begin with. Holy goddess, how sad is your life, that this is actually what you do, sit around for a year waiting to attack someone's character in a game, over something THAT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU IN THE FIRST PLACE! You're pathetic Chuck. I could come after you in the game, waste all my coins and blood points. But you aren't worth it. It's highly tempting to find out who you are IRL, but of course if I did, I'd then have to give up all my lovely fantasies, the ones in which I explain to you with a very sharp knife why you should stay the fuck out of things that don't concern you (particularly the things that don't concern you which involve me). Because of course, in real life you're some sad little burger jockey living in his parent's basement, who will never be anything or do anything, and somewhere in the depths of your mind you know this. And so you invest everything in you into this game, and find excuses to attack people, and then when you get your ass kicked, you sit and sulk for a YEAR. *sigh* You know, it really ruins a good bitch fest to be inescapably assailed with pity for the person you're bitching about. I just can't escape the fact of how utterly pathetic your own actions show you to be. Come on, grow a pair so I can be properly pissed off at you! Feel sorry for you is just no fun!

Voices in my head are singing=
Current Obsession=
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March 02, 2005 - 12:04 pm


So I resceduled with Brian for thursday night, and am going to be a good student and spend today studying for my french midterm. Might go out to a late lunch or dinner tho, with whomever. IMed Mike to ask what he was up to this weekend, since he's shockingly between girlfriends at the moment. I should hang out with Joe more too, he's such a sweetie. But now, to study french.

Voices in my head are singing=
Current Obsession=
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March 01, 2005 - 10:25 pm


So I had decided to go over to Brian's, only, walking home in the 34 degree weather, my cough got worse, I got a headache, and my chest started hurting when I cough again. So I'm going to sleep instead of going out.

Voices in my head are singing=
Current Obsession=
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March 01, 2005 - 12:40 am


So, Brian invited me over and I was going to go, but then he said something along the lines of wanting me to come over so we could play. So, then I'm all, 'um, maybe I shouldn't come over since u wanna play and I haven't decided yet if I wanna play or not.' Kinda thinking he'd go 'well, come over and don't play then.' Only he didn't, so, I'm thinking, ok, he doesn't want to go to all the trouble of coming out and picking me up, and then bringing me home the next day, just to hang out. Except I couldn't just ask, cos, once I mention it, then, of course he's going to say 'just come over', which means I can't accept that he means it when he says it. It'd be nice to not overthink things. It'd be nice to not be cynical and be able to believe people have innocent motivations. I'm gonna sleep now. Oh, and hey, if anyone has any suggestion of stuff to do at midnight on a tuesday that doesn't involve dirty naughty fun (cos I can think of dirty naughty fun just fine on my own, thanks) I'm all ears!

Voices in my head are singing=
Current Obsession=
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