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March 25, 2003 - 9:49 am


So, I give up on my template for the moment. It's functional.
I've got a tutoring session today. Scheduled for an hour and a half, but I'll be very suprised if it doesn't end up being 2 hours. And even with the $ from it, and the $10 for that Npdor software, and Unc's share of the DSL bill, I'm going to be $3.03 short of paying both my cell and DSL bills. At least, that's if my cell bill comes due when I'm sort of expecting it, around the end of the month, and if I pay my DSL bill the second I get it. But if I wait til saturday to pay my DSL, instead of paying it tuesday the 1st when it arrives, then I'll be alright. So, yayfor grace periods when it comes to bill paying.
AND, I've budgeted for my cell bill to be around $140 ($60 for first month, normally $70, but prorated, and $35 each activation for 2 phones, plus $3.50 for 70 some odd 5 cent text messages, plus $3 for the 500 text messages I added to my plan after having the phone for 12 hours.) And I will be able to pay it. I'll even have around $30 left over after, tho that will be saved for paying DSL bill. But, after DSL and Cell are paid, I'm expecting to have around $60. $60 that I could even theoretically SPEND. I won't since I have no idea how much longer I'm going to be doing the tutoring gig for, but, it's nice.

Mood= mildly happy
Voices in my head are singing= the tarzan cartoon theme song (by phil collins) cos I watched it this morning
Current Obsession= money!!
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March 25, 2003 - 9:21 am

Changing Template

Ok, so, working on my diary template. Please forgive any oddness. I'm trying to get it so that the entries are in their own little scrolly box, with all the other stuff fixed around them. I can't get my rings and counter and stuff to show up where I want them, under the entry box. And the colors are a bit whacked. It's cos instead of making the whole thing myself, I'm trying to customize a template. It's not going so well. Patience please.

Mood= Bored
Voices in my head are singing= Hard Knock Life from Annie
Current Obsession= none
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March 24, 2003 - 9:05 pm

Death and faith

If you believe in God (big G used to indicate status of belief), then someone dying shouldn't be a sad thing. If you believe in God, then death is a happy thing, because it means the person is going on to heaven, and that's a good thing. So, if you claim to believe in God, and use "it's against God's law" as your reason for being opposed to things (abortion, homosexuals being treated equally), but when someone dies you say "it's not fair" and "why'd it happen", that pretty much makes you a hypocrite, because you only believe in God when it's not personally difficult. And that's just fucked up to me.
If you can't believe in something with your whole being, then don't use it as a justification for your personal views. If you are going to tell me abortion is wrong, that using fucking
AVOID pregnancy in the first place is wrong because god says it's a sin, then don't come to me upset because someone dies. If you
REALLY believed in god, you'd be happy for that person. Being sad when someone dies either means you don't believe they are going on to something better, or you are self centered and want what you want, instead of what is good for them.
(The preceding entry was a rant inspired by a particular person's reaction to the death of someone they knew. I know, it's natural to be sad when someone you care about dies, and I get that. But, this particular person, has used their beliefs as basis and justification for a lot of things, and presented these beliefs as being extremely strong and a major part of who they are. And yet their reaction to this other person's death, seems to have nothing to do with their self proclaimed beliefs. And I find that extremely hypocritical.)

Mood= sleepy, annoyed
Voices in my head are singing= none
Current Obsession= cell phone
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March 18, 2003 - 8:31 pm

Steaky goodness

mmmm, steaky goodness. And I FINALLY managed to paste my cell bill from the cell company website into excel, and then use an excel function to sum the minutes, so I could figure out how many non unlimited minutes I had used. (turns out it wasn't working cos of some pesky hidden character in the number column.) Cos, weekends and mobile to mobile are unlimited, but they list it with the weekday one, which are limited to 800 a month. So, when it says I've used 668, turns out, only only 396 of those were ones that counted. So, I'm feeling a bit better. yayfor!

Mood= better
Voices in my head are singing= still pulp-e's and whizz
Current Obsession= hmm, obsession free at the moment
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March 18, 2003 - 5:59 pm


I am in pain. And I can't find my damn painkillers. It could certainly be worse, but it's entirely bad enough. So long as I am absolutely still, sitting here in front of the computer, I can breathe. But if I move even a little bit, it hurts more. And I know if I actually stand up and go up the steps, it's going to hurt too much. It's going to be "kill myself so it stops hurting" type of deal. I won't actually do it, but it will cross my mind again and again until the pain stops. Thursday. I will be fine on Thursday. This I am certain of. At least it has a pattern, is predictable.

Mood= whimpering
Voices in my head are singing= Pulp-Sorted for Es and Whizz
Current Obsession= Pain killers and what I did with that little tiny bottle
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March 18, 2003 - 2:16 am

God, and War

I just dunno. I dunno how anyone can believe in christianity, or practically any of the major religions.
Someone my sister talked to online a lot, and considered a friend, killed herself. I didn't know the girl (her nic was Arwen) really, had chatted with her once. She was a really sweet girl, with a great sense of humor. She was pasting bits of the LotR slash diaries into the chat convo we were all in, and I started doing the same, and we were laughing and talking about LotR. Now, normally, ppl I just talk to online once, I don't even remember. But her, I remembered. She was so sweet and funny. I had looked for her in the chat again in the couple weeks since, hadn't seen her. And now, I find out in the past couple days she killed herself.
Now, I didn't really know her, and, I made my peace with death years ago. So, I'm not too torn up about it. The way I figure, she's gone on to something better. It seems she didn't have a good home life, was treated like shit at school, was in a wheelchair, and then recently her mom was treating her even worse. I can get why she chose to check out. Having come so close to it myself, having made that choice myself for all it didn't work out, I get that.
And, the way I see it, she was a good person in life, so, she goes on to something better, whether it's some heaven or another round of the wheel of life, I dunno. But that's what I believe, however you are in life decides how your death is. If you were a good person, then you either get to go to heaven, or you get to come back to a new life, another turn of the wheel, and do it all over. If you were a bad person, then, you have to pay for what you did, but you can change, and if you are truly sorry, then that counts and you can move on and try and do better.
I don't understand how anyone could believe that it's final and permanent and there's no chance of anything after. That one little 70 year lifespan is it, decides your forever. I don't understand how anyone could believe that, on the one hand, there's a god who created humanity and loves us so much, but, only loves us if we are good. If you are bad, well, then god doesn't love you anymore. Do parents stop loving their children because their children are bad?
And, how are all these people so certain of what is "bad" anyway? The bible says so? Are they not aware that the bible has been translated at least a dozen times, and rewritten or "edited" at least that many? That large parts of the bible don't even claim to have been written by people who knew jesus, but were written hundreds, even thousands of years later? And most biblical scholars will admit that it's known there are large parts of the writings of jesus and the apostles that were lost. And that the parts that are there, again, translated and edited and rewritten who even knows how many times since they were first written. How can anyone take the bible literally?
How can anyone think that a god that "so loved the world he gave his only begotten son that our sins might be forgiven", would condemn anyone for such a "sin" as a 16 year old child not being able to deal with her horror of her life, or a "sin" such as a person loving another person who happens to be the same gender? I can't believe in a god like that. I have to believe that whatever god there might be, the only thing bad is to deliberately hurt another person. Anything other then that, how could a true god condemn?

I dunno how ppl can stand G.W. Bush. He's going to drag us into a war with Iraq. A war we don't want. A war the entire world thinks is wrong. A war most of America thinks is wrong. GW seems to be a bit confused. This is NOT his country. This is OUR country. He just represents us, and he is doing a HORRIBLE job of it. He's pushing this war, for his own personal reasons. He's pushing this war, for oil. He's pushing this war, cos he wants to finish what his daddy started. He's going to fuck everything up. He's ignoring North Korea, who has weapons of mass destruction, and has SAID they will not obey the UN Nuclear treaty. So, in other words, they've got a gun, and they've said they aren't going to play by the rules that say shooting isn't allowed.
I'm scared. I live in DC. Pretty damn close to the white house, and all the stuff that would be targets. I've seen those nuclear blast zone maps. One nuclear bomb, anywhere in DC, and that's it, I'm out. Along with just about everyone in this world I give a damn about. And I'm absolutely terrified that that is exactly where GW is going to lead us. GW needs to realize this country belongs to it's people. That being president means doing what is right for us, the citizens of the US. Hell, we're a superpower, or the closest thing left to one anyway. GW doesn't just have a responsibility to this country. He has a responsibility to the world. And he is not meeting that responsibility.
I'm so scared. For myself, for my friends, for everyone I never met. I'm scared for this country, and I'm scared for the world. If there is a god out there, then God Help Us All.

Mood= scared, thoughtful
Voices in my head are singing= none
Current Obsession= what's this world coming to?
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March 17, 2003 - 7:12 pm

Emily driving folly

Dude. I'm on the phone with a friend of mine who lives in cali. She's driving around. Being odd. So, she was trying to make a right turn. And couldn't figure out why the car in front of her wasn't turning. And then she realized. The car was PARKED!

Mood= amused
Voices in my head are singing= none
Current Obsession=
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March 17, 2003 - 6:48 pm


Happy St. Pat's Day!
So, just had an interesting convo with a friend of mine who I love dearly, even if I do sometimes think her rather immature and self deluding. I shall paste said convo here. Sns changed to protect...well, sns changed. Also, non revelent convo edited out.
Not Me
(6:33:22 PM): I'm pissed... liz is missing my show
Me (6:33:29 PM)
: why?
Not Me (6:33:37 PM): she's going to new york
Not Me (6:33:42 PM)
: I'm really upset
Me (6:33:48 PM)
: well, that's kinda a good reason
Not Me (6:33:49 PM): I told her about my show 3 months ago
Not Me (6:33:52 PM)
: I know
Me (6:33:58 PM)
: so?
Not Me (6:34:02 PM): and I went out of my way to go to hers... oh well
Not Me (6:34:04 PM)
: ugh
Not Me (6:34:08 PM)
: I'm just upset
Not Me (6:34:11 PM)
: I really wanted her to see it
Me (6:34:56 PM): well, going to NY is pretty important
Not Me (6:35:56 PM): vacation
Not Me (6:35:58 PM)
: hmph
Not Me (6:36:01 PM)
: :-(
Me (6:36:04 PM): still
Me (6:36:15 PM): would you skip a vacation for a friend's show?
Not Me (6:36:17 PM): she always brags about how good her show it
Not Me (6:36:22 PM)
: *is
Not Me (6:36:29 PM)
: and I wanted her to really see a good show
Not Me (6:36:33 PM)
: one that I'm in
Me (6:36:52 PM)
: so u wanted to show off, and show her up?
Not Me (6:37:01 PM): no, I wanted her to see my show
Not Me (6:37:08 PM)
: that I've worked on for 5 months!
Me (6:37:16 PM)
: well, it sucks she can't
Not Me (6:37:21 PM): I know
Me (6:37:30 PM)
: but it's not really fair to expect her to skip her vacation just for your show
Not Me (6:37:48 PM): I don't expect her to... when did I ever say that
Not Me (6:38:02 PM)
: all I said was that I'm upset she's missing it
Me (6:39:00 PM)
: well, you seem like you feel she should come to ur show cos u went to hers, and cos u told her about it 3 months ago
Not Me (6:39:13 PM): no, I'm upset that she's missing it, that's all
Not Me (6:39:22 PM)
: I could care less about her show
Not Me (6:39:25 PM)
: it was good, yes
Not Me (6:39:39 PM)
: but I was really looking forward to her seeing mine too

Mood= Bored
Voices in my head are singing= Disturbed
Current Obsession= GREEN!!
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March 12, 2003 - 6:07 am

Worry, about friends and money

So, I'm worried about someone I used to be friends with, Sellon. For 2 or 3 years, we stopped being friends, then last summer, I IMed him for no good reason, and we've chatted off and on since. And every so often, I check out his livejournal. And, a bunch of the entries from the end of february were very dark. So, I'm worried.
I'm also worried about my lil sis. She and her bf are rather serious, and she has said that they will most likely have sex before he leaves for college. The worry part comes in, when we get to the fact that she won't even consider going on the pill. She says it's against her religion. I ask, isn't premarital sex against your religion? She gives this reply about planned sin v. sin of passion, and that going on the pill makes it planned. Well, seems to me it's pretty planned already, in that she and he have discussed it, and she has decided she wants to before he leaves for school. But when I say this, she backpedals, and says, no, no, it's not decided or planned, we've just discussed it. So, bah. Cos, I REALLY don't want her getting pregnant. Too many of my friends have had babies when they were still kids themselves. And, I'm not even convinced anymore that they will use a condom!!
And then I got worried about emily tonight, cos she had her away message up all day, and her profile had a bit of someone giving her reasons to remain alive. Turns out that convo was from a few weeks ago. I seem to be worrying a lot of late. hmm. odd.
In happier news, 2 weeks ago I got a cell phone!! I love it muchly. First bill is gonna be killer, with $70 ofactivation fees and taxes and txt msg fees (I sent 70 txts in the first 12 hours I had the phone, which prompted me to add the 500 a month to my plan), on top of the $73 monthly fee. ($69.99 for family plan with 800 anytime/unlimited weekend, $2.99 for 500 text messages a month on my phone). But I don't care. I LOVE my phone. Massivly bad tho, both my tutoring sessions last week canceled. O, yeah, forgot to mention, got a second student for the tutoring. But last week, had no tutoring sessions. Have one scheduled for thursday with the original student, but haven't heard back from the second person yet. Prob call her again today. I also gotta go to the bank. Monday, I went to Kate's, cos a prezzie I had ordered for her arrived (cell covers). And coming home, it was cold, and there was going to be a 30 min wait for the bus, so I went into hollywood video for a bit, and ended up spending $3.16 from my checking account. Which left me with like $3. And my NSP (news service provider) bill is gonna be due thursday, and it's $5.95. I got a $5 check for doing an online survey, so I'm gonna deposit that. Cell bill is going to be TIGHT tho. As in, begging friends and family and random strangers on the street for cash to pay it with. ;)
Anyway, 's all for now. More soon.

Mood= Mildly happy
Voices in my head are singing= Gene Loves Jezebel
Current Obsession= Money
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