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June 21, 2003 - 12:44 pm


So, writing til my copy of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoeniz is delivered. I preordered it from amazon.com at the beginning of June.
I've been tracking it on the FedEx website all today. At 339am it left Memphis TN. As of 615am it was in dulles VA, at 803 it left Dulles, at 931 it arrived in DC, at 1023 it got put on a FedEx vehicle for delivery, and last update at 1154am, it was on fedex vehicle for delivery. It was estimated to be delivered today by 12, which I think meant noon, and I believe I saw a fedex truck go by at the corner about 15 til noon. So, just my luck, today would be the day they have a sub driving who doesn't follow the usual route. That's ALWAYS how it goes for me, when I am expecting and excited about a package, it doesn't arrive when it's estimated to.
So, things going on lately in my life. Last wednesday and thursday (not 3 days ago but 10 days ago) I went to museums with Emily, a friend of a friend who lives with her mom in Cali and has become a good friend of mine through chat. She was in town visiting her dad, and was leaving friday, so, wednesday we went to the childrens museum, and it was just the 2 of us cos everyone else was busy. It was fun, def cool, actually worth the $7 and metro.
Thursday we went to Air and Space and then Natural History. Another friend of hers, Candy, who is also a friend of Sofija, who introduced me to Emily, came along. Candy seemed nice enough, but I don't see a friendship developing between her and I. Then candy left around 7, and Em and I went to Bethesda and saw a movie with another friend from their group, Mike. Mike seemed WAY fun.;) Em and I were being very bad, naughty and teasing. DUDE. It was a day of showing off my tongue ring, and telling yummy bois I had a vibrating tongue ring, and showing them said vibetonguering, tho sadly not getting to demonstrate it on any.;(
Cos, at Air and Space, there was this cute demo boy, showing off some rocks that used to be meteors. One that's older then the earth even! (see how I pay attention when things are taught by cute bois? It's how I learned HTML! Now if I could just find some cute bois to teach me JAVA and Flash....)
More tomorrow, or monday! HPOotP is here!

Voices in my head are singing= chating harry harry
Current Obsession= HP OotP
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June 09, 2003 - 1:04 am


Anyway, having said that....I went for a walk tonight, up to the cathedral. Took Delle with me, on my cell. Had been talking to her while I was home, must have been on the phone for near 2 hours. I walked up to the cathedral, sat and looked at the cathedral and talked to Delle, and walked home. I haven't been going for late night walks often enough lately. I need to do so more, now that it's nice. Got into a whole convo with Delle about might have beens, and who we weres, and who we ares. And, she's looking for some guy to save her from her marriage, and me, I'm just looking for someone or thing to save me from my life. And, it's not going to happen, for either one of us. We have to save ourselves, change our own lives. Be happy ourselves.

Mood= Thoughtful
Voices in my head are singing= "Might Have Been'
Current Obsession= again, GUESS! ;)
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June 09, 2003 - 12:40 am

Might Have Been

16 hours, and it was still wet. And, she was dead. And, I don't know who was left. I still don't know. 7 years later, and I still don't know. But, someone is left. And that has to mean something. Right?

Mood= contemplative
Voices in my head are singing= 'What might have been'
Current Obsession= isn't it obvious?
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June 08, 2003 - 4:34 pm

T6 Torx

So, Ok, to change faceplates on my phone, I needed a t6 Torx screwdriver. And, I didn't have one, so, I modified a nail file, and used it. And, my father was coming over today, so I asked him to bring me a small flathead screwdriver, cos I hadn't really been able to get the screws tight with the modified nail file. And he brought/(bought?) me a pack of 3 diff kinds of screwdrivers, in 4 sizes each. Flathead, Phillips, and TORX!!! And, the pack, and the T6 torx in it! So YAY! I took the faceplate off my phone, and put it back on, and tightened the screws. And now, I can go ahead and order more faceplates, cos changing them is no biggie! Whereas changing them with the modified nailfile, was a hassle. YAY!

Mood= happy
Voices in my head are singing= Harvey Danger-Flagpolesitta
Current Obsession= Pretty Faceplates for my phone
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June 08, 2003 - 12:31 pm


So I didn't write more that day, when I cleaned and got the headache. But, I'm writing now, so smile.
So, all about the new cell. It arrived wednesday, and is SWEET. It's a Sony Ericsson T68i, and if you go to the June 1st entry, there's a link to the SE website, and to the Amazon.com reviews. And I LOVE it. The reception isn't so great, but, with an antenna booster, it's about equal to the reception on my old phone. And, the person who I bought the phone from, got it from AT&T, and so it was set up for AT&T, and the guy unlocked it before he sold it. So, it works just fine for me on T-Mobile, with the single exception of, if I turn the phone off, when I turn it back on, the T-Mobile GPRS/WAP (wireless internet) settings, will be gone, and the AT&T ones will have come back. So, for now, I am just not turning it off, and am going to send it off for a firmware upgrade which will fix this as soon as I can afford to.
I also bought a BUNCh of accessories. I got 2 faceplates, a fushia chrome one and a transparent lilac one, a leather case, a car charger, a bluetooth USB adaptor so I can connect the phone to the computer and do all sorts of neat stuff, antenna booster, keyboard, and camera. All but the camera have been delivered. The keyboard, was delivered less then 24 hours after I ordered it! And I only paid for ground shipping. It was so fast I guess, cos I must have ordered right before the last shipment of the day, and it was only coming from NY, to DC. So, it's great. Changing the faceplate was kinda a hassle, cos I needed that special cell phone screwdriver, the T-6, and of course I hadn't bought one. So I ended up taking a metal nail file, using a file on it to make it the right size, and then using it. A really small flathead screwdriver would have worked too. I actually didn't quite get the screws back in perfectly tightly with my makeshift screwdriver. My father is coming over today, cos my uncle's car broke down, so I've requested that he bring a set of small flathead screwdrivers.

Mood= peaceful
Voices in my head are singing= Avril-Complicated
Current Obsession= alternatives to t6 screwdriver
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June 03, 2003 - 4:09 pm

head hurts

Bought new cell, which I may have mentioned. Rearranged bedroom, and cleaned some, which stirred up lots of dust, which has given me a headache. So, going to lie down, will write more in a while.

Mood= nappish
Voices in my head are singing= some song from Reality Bites
Current Obsession= rearrangment of room
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June 02, 2003 - 1:33 pm


O, just shoot me now! So, I was trying to add my shiny new plastic to my C2it account, so I could pay for an ebay auction. And it took 4 tries! Granted, the 3 that didn't work were my fault, typos, but, DAMN. O well, it's added now.

Mood= Still happy
Voices in my head are singing= Still Highwayman
Current Obsession= Vague error messages
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June 02, 2003 - 1:23 pm


My credit card came. The actual plastic. YAY! And, it turns out that the 25 day grace period, to avoid being charged interest, is not 25 days from the date of the purchase, it's 25 days from the day the bill is sent. So, I buy stuff today, get the bill in, o, let's say three weeks, I then have 25 days to pay it off before I get charged interest. And, for the stuff I am buying today, I doubt I will get the bill in three weeks. Since I activated it on the 31st of May, I think that the bill won't come until the end of June. This works out nicely.

Mood= Happy
Voices in my head are singing= Highwayman
Current Obsession= PLASTIC
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June 01, 2003 - 2:45 am

New Cell, New Plastic, and HP5

I bought a new cell phone. A Sony Ericsson t68i. This is the offical Sony Ericsson site. There's a neat, 'Try the Phone' feature, that lets you play with a virtual version of the phone. Then there's the Amazon.com listing, with lovely pictures. And if you want to see the rest of the info from amazon, click the explore this item links on the left.
I bought it on ebay, for about $100 cheaper then it is retail. And I already bought 2 purple faceplates for it, also from ebay, and a car charger and leather case. The accessories will come to a total of $15, including shipping, which is nice. And, since EVERYONE I know has been asking me why I bought a new cell, when I just got one at the end of Feb, I will explain. It's cos I dropped my Nokia one, about 7 or 8 times, and now it's all messed up. The 8 key doesn't work, ppl say I sound like a robot, I can hear myself talking, the reception had gotten really bad, noticably worse then it was before I dropped it the first time, and it does things like cut out in the middle of calls, even when there is plenty of reception. So, since buying a new one of the same model, was going to be $50 at least, I decided to spring for the $150 and get the model with the features I want. Anyway, I'm all excited.
But, the cell phone purchase led to my being bad, and activating my new credit card before I had the actual plastic. How does one do such a thing you may ask? Well, one has to be a member of a bank which includes one's new 'account' number in the, 'congrats, you've been approved' letter. And one has to then go to the bank's website, get the proper phone number, and call it. But then one can purchase a cell phone, and preorder Harry Potter 5 from amazon.com.

Mood= Excited about new tois
Voices in my head are singing= Willie Nelson-Highwayman
Current Obsession= NEW TOIS!!!
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