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January 29, 2005 - 12:49 pm


Wow. I hadn't archived older entries in a LONG time. Since 2003. But it's done now, yay me!
oh, and if anyone had emailed me at my dland email addy in the past couple months, I didn't get the email. I had a couple thousand spam, so I just deleted everything.

Voices in my head are singing=
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January 29, 2005 - 12:40 am

Religion debate #...#....ok, I've totally lost count

Ok, I may have recapped this bit of my ongoing debate with Ryan before, but it bears repeating if I did.
Any god that says 'don't question me' is not a true god. God is perfect, therefore god can stand up to any question, therefore god has no reason to want to avoid questions. Any true god WANTS their followers to question them, wants their followers to learn all that is knowable about the nature of god. God is perfect. Perfection has nothing to fear from questions, from logic, from reason. And without fear of a thing, there is no reason to avoid that thing.

Voices in my head are singing=
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January 28, 2005 - 11:51 pm

Cred, and senility

Hehehe. read my notes. I have no 'street cred'. Hehehe. Maybe it's the total lack of sleep lately, but that strikes me as just the funniest thing ever.
Only then I start wondering if the poster was serious. Do they honestly care about street cred? Do they actually think I do? Tho, given how most people behave, if they care about it, then of course it never would occur to them that others might not. *sigh* that makes me sad tho. Why do people get so hung up on what other people think? yeesh! go, have fun, and fuck 'em if they can't take a joke!
Cute boi in English class was a total example of this yesterday. We were doing an in class writing assignment, and the prof said, if we were done, we could take a break, step out for a few minutes. Only, hardly anyone was done. But cute boi was, and so was I. (ok, I helped him. He's cute! and he was all '*pout* I can't tell the difference between facts and details.' yeah, he's not the brightest boi, but, so what? Talking is not required for what I want him for. *grin*) So, cute boi goes, 'I want to step out, but no one else is!' And he was serious! He was so worried about appearances that he wouldn't do something as basic as taking a break from a class, just cos no one else was! Yeesh. I told him to quit being concerned about what other ppl thought and went back to playing bejeweled. (I LOVE my PDA.)
My mother is driving me insane. She could have burnt down her house today, and she sees no problems with that. I bought this little immersion heater for the dog's wter dish, cos it keeps freezing, cos it's on the concrete. And it arrived tuesday, and I asked her to set it up, explained the very basic method, and reminded her of how it works. Including the fact that since it's an IMMERSION heater, it is supposed to be immersed in water! So, she picks me up from work, and on the drive home says in a very offhand way 'I brought the dog's frozen water dish inside and am experimenting with the heater.'
And I just instantly knew exactly what she had done, and couldn't fucking believe she had done it. We had an immersion heater before that ended up burning itself and the socket it was plugged into out because it got dry. But she had, yup, plugged the immersion heater in and set it on top of the 3 inches of solid ice in the water bucket. And I had TOLD her when I was telling her how to set it up outside (which she never did!) that it has to be covered with water! It's got a built in safety shut off, but it says not to count on the shut off right in the directions (for lawsuit reasons I'm sure, but still!), and previous experience has taught me well that built in safety shut offs can NOT be counted upon. *sigh* I'm getting really tired of the complete and utter denial my mother is in about the fact that she's becoming senile. If she'd go to the doctor, there might be something to be done. But no, she just says she's always been forgetful, makes one pathetic excuse after another, and doesn't get help. And I can't figure out how I can make her get help! No one else in my family wants to admit there is a problem, or is willing to take any action whatsoever. Marcus seems to have just completely written off any chance of her being helped, and seems to just be taking the 'Shrug, what can ya do?' approach. *sigh* Ok, i'm going to quit ranting now, while I'm still on this side of the 'killing myself just to not have to deal with shit' line. ooo, chocolate covered strawberries, that'll cure all. or at least give me enough of a sugar high so that I'll make it to bedtime. Which is definitely soon.
Hi Brett. ;)

Mood= tired
Voices in my head are singing=
Current Obsession=
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January 25, 2005 - 10:13 pm

GPA goodness

*dances around singing* I got a 4.0.
I finally got my ass to the registrar's office to get a copy of my fall semester report card and see what the grades that hadn't yet posted when report cards went out were. And they were both As. So, those 2 As, combined with my 3 existing As which equal a 4.0 GPA, means....
*resumes singing* I got a 4.0.

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January 25, 2005 - 6:37 am


However, on religious issures there can be little or no compromise. There is no position on which people are so immovable as their religious beliefs. There is no more powerful ally one can claim in a debate than Jesus Christ, or God, or Allah, or whatever one calls this supreme being. But like any powerful weapon, the use of God's name on one's behalf should be used sparingly. The religious factions that are growing throughout our land are not using their religious clout with wisdom. They are trying to force government leaders into following their position 100 percent. If you disagree with these religious groups on a particular moral issue, they complain, they threaten you with a loss of money or votes or both. I'm frankly sick and tired of the political preachers across this country telling me as a citizen that if I want to be a moral person, I must believe in "A," "B," "C," and "D." Just who do they think they are? And from where do they presume to claim the right to dictate their moral beliefs to me? And I am even more angry as a legislator who must endure the threats of every religious group who thinks it has some God-granted right to control my vote on every roll call in the Senate. I am warning them today: I will fight them every step of the way if they try to dictate their moral convictions to all Americans in the name of "conservatism." - Senator Barry Goldwater, from the Congressional Record, September 16, 1981

Voices in my head are singing=
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January 22, 2005 - 4:10 pm

Root Canal

So, I had a root canal Friday. And as soon as the anesthetic started wearing off, it started hurting. Badly. Root canals aren't supposed to hurt! They destroy the nerve, and without a nerve, you can't feel pain. But this freaking hurt. So much that 90Mg of codeine in 4 hours (30Mg at 4 pm and 60Mg at 8 pm) didn't make it stop. Didn't seem to make any difference at all actually, or if it did, I SO don't want to know how badly it would have hurt without the codeine. I ended up doing the whiskey on a cotton ball thing to get to sleep. It doesn't hurt quite so badly today. And in fact, I took 4 excederin a little while ago, and it doesn't really hurt at all, tho I'm feeling a bit spacey.
Got a snow day from work, W00T! Work is actually running, but they said that they were leaving it up to the individual if they felt they could get to work safely or not, and that if you felt you couldn't, there would be no penalty for not coming in. So I said I wouldn't be in. And honestly, it was partly because of the snow, cos our car is dead AGAIN, and there's like 4 inches of snow with more falling. I don't even know if the subway is running, and didn't really feel up to the just-under-a-mile walk to the station even if it was. But it was also partly because of my tooth hurting. I wasn't going to take another day off cos of the tooth tho, since I took yesterday off. But since I could take today off with no penalty, yay!
oh, and cute boi sat next to me in english! Granted, there weren't a ton of empty seats, but there were a couple on the other side of the room, closer to the door. And he kept offering me breath strips, whenever he had one. I think the boi really likes breath strips, cos he had like 4 of them during class. And I did take one the first time he offered, in case my breath was bad, but I don't think it was. *grin* so that was cool.

Mood= lil bit buzzed
Voices in my head are singing=
Current Obsession=
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January 17, 2005 - 2:27 am

Cute boi

so, my college, in its bureaucratic wisdom, scheduled 2 sections of the same class (english comp 1) for the same day and time in the same room. different teachers tho, section 14 & 15. only, I didn't have my schedule printout with me. cos I'd entered my classes in my PDA with class name, date, time, and room but not section, cos didn't think I'd need section. so, I didn't know which of the sections I was supposed to be in, and neither prof had a roster. so, on thursday, the first class, I just stayed in 14, cos that was the one that stayed in the room both had been scheduled to. 15 went to another room only, a bit into class, a guy who was in my french class last semester came in, and it turned out he is in 15. and he's cute :). So I was all, I gotta check my schedule when I get home and see if I'm in 14 or 15. And it turns out I'm in 15. With the cute boi. So I'm pleased.
Ryan, babe, the 'Hell' entry was not a question. It was the questions that contributed to my not believing in any religion that does the eternal punishment thing. At least, none that claim a loving god and do the eternal punishment thing. And religions that don't claim a loving god get disbelief cos if I'm going to believe in a supreme being, it's not going to be a nasty one. *smile* In other words, answers to the questions I posed were not required.

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January 15, 2005 - 3:55 am


Why would a god who 'so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son...' condem people who genuinely tried to live a good life to eternal damnation simply for not believing that 'he' was the true god? Why would a god who loved humanity condem much of anyone at all to eternal damnation? Maybe a few people throughout history deserved eternal damnation, were true pure evil, but most people who do bad things, believe their reasons for doing those things to be good. And if one does evil, but believes it to be good, well, the intentions have to be weighed against the results. Results weigh far more heavily, but intentions have to be considered.
And if god sees all and knows all, why would god set up a 'behave or you'll be punished' kind of a system? It's a well known psychological aspect of humans, that kind of thing doesn't work to change behavior. It just makes people hide their behavior, or try and escape the punishment. God is perfect, why would god create an imperfect system? Far better to do a whole learning thing. Showing someone why they shouldn't do something is a far better behavior modifier than threatening them with dire consequences. 'Don't do this because it will make the person you do it to sad' is a far better deterrant than 'Don't do this cos I'll make you sorry if you do.'
I had more to say, but it's been 2 hours since I started writing this, and I'm tired, and have to work tomorrow, so am going to sleep. Nini.

Mood= curious
Voices in my head are singing=
Current Obsession=
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January 12, 2005 - 2:59 am

So this is 2005? I'm not impressed

I hate that I told my old dentist I was getting a cavity and she ignored me. I hate that I then couldn't afford to go to the dentist for 2 years. I hate that I have to have a root canal next week.
However, I am quite amused by the fact that the entry about the veins in my breast seems to have prompted a number of comments being left. :) An update, since apparently this is of interest to some people (ya pervs! *grin*) the veins are still pretty dark and prominant, and I'm still wondering how the hell I never noticed them. And shut up Raven, I can't be pregnant, seriously. It's been 6 months since I had sex, and I've had 4 pregnancy tests come back negative in those 6 months. Ah, the fun of selling one's self to science, you get all sorts of fun medical tests done again and again and again.
my new year's was boring, not worth mentioning. Classes start thursday. I still feel.....I dunno. Odd. For so long, college was my great unattainable goal. And now it's been attained. And it just seems like something to do to fill the hours. And like I shouldn't be going to college, I should be cleaning up the mess Ricky left that my mother won't deal with. *sigh*

Mood= ennui
Voices in my head are singing=
Current Obsession=
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