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November 11, 2001 - 8:47 am

Whine Whine Whine

So. Tomorrow is my 20th Birthday. And it doesn't look like I am going to be doing anything much at all, unless I go out myself. But if I am going to be alone on my bday, I'd much prefer to be alone at home thank you very much. At least alone at home doesn't require money. Going out and doing something does.

So, Brian and I never did go to a muesum. I couldn't go that weekend, cos stuff came up, and he got all pissy. He did that a lot, and I was just tired of it. And then we were talking about something one day, and we got to discussing music. And we were talking about TLC, and he said that TLC is not R&B, they are pop. And I said they are SOO not pop. Pop is Britney Spears and N'Sync. Maybe they are not traditional R&B, but it's the best decription of them I can think of. And he got totally pissed about it, and said he didn't feel like talking to me. And I said if he was going to quit talking to me over something that stupid, then just not to IM me anymore, ever. And he hasn't. And since I took him off my buddy list, I haven't IMed him. I'm really tired of guys being childish. I'm tired of ppl who expect me to act a certain way, even tho I have never acted that way towards them, or given any indication that I ever would. I'm just tired of ppl who expect things, instead of just accepting me. I mean, it's one thing to not accept rudeness, or cruelty. But to just not accept a person for who they are, it's just ridiculous, and I am tired of it. Anyway, that's my little rant for today.

Oh, one more terribly sad and pathetic thing. On November 18th, it will have been a year since I got laid. Isn't that sad? I'm deep into the wallowing in self pity bit.

Voices in my head are singing=
Current Obsession=
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