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November 15, 2002 - 7:00 pm

My Birthday Sucked

The only real card I got, was belated, but from a good friend of mine, and she couldn't mail it Monday, cos it was Veteran's Day, so she had to mail it Tuesday, which was my birthday, and I got it Thursday. And then another friend got me a hair set, with a brush and comb and twisties and a clip, and some lipstick and nail polish, and a little bottle of lotion, and a bunch of candy I like. And my Other Mother sent me an ecard, which I liked. But everyone else, just IMed me and wished me Happy Birthday, and a couple ppl who I consider friends didn't even IM me or call me.
And I usually get my friends stuff for their Bday, and make sure to call them on the day of their Bday. And it's not that, they have to get me stuff cos I get them stuff, but, I get them stuff cos they r my friends, and I want them to be happy, and having ppl remember ur bday makes most ppl happy. So that fact that a couple of my "friends" didn't even remember enough to even wish me a happy bday, even if it was by IM, makes me kinda feel like maybe they aren't as good of friends of mine as I thought they were. And the ppl who just IMed me, kinda sux too, cos, ok, they remembered, tho, a couple of them, didn't remember til we were talking and I happened to say something about it being my birthday. But, so, they did remember at least, more or less, but that was it. They just IMed me and said happy bday. Which seems really last minute, and offhand, you know? And exactly 1 person actually got me something. Not even any of my own FAMILY got me anything. And none of my friends did anything, or made any plans for us to do anything, like go out or whatever. And I even asked a couple ppl on my birthday (which was tuesday) if they wanted to do something this weekend, and everyone said no, for whatever reasons. Except Kate and I went to see Harry Potter on thursday, cos I had won passes. So I kinda considered that my bday celebration, even tho it was more about Harry Potter then my birthday. So, my birthday pretty much majorly sucked. I dunno why I even bothered to hope for anything different, since it has sucked every year for a long time.

Mood= Blah
Voices in my head are singing= none
Current Obsession= candy is good
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November 11, 2002 - 8:13 pm

My birthday is going to suck, I just know it

So, in 3 hours and 47 minutes, it will be my 21st birthday. And, I know Amesly is snail mailing me a card, cos she told me so. But that won't get here tomorrow. But still, I feel loved, that she is sending me a card. But otherwise, I will not be at all suprised if I don't get any presents or cake or anything. I won't even be suprised if no one wishes me a Happy Birthday. Last year, the only ppl who wished me a Happy Birthday were the ones that I TOLD them it was my birthday, and so I got the, "O, Happy Birthday" thing. Which sucks. So, I refuse to be disappointed when tomorrow sux as a birthday. I've already had all sorts of coo stuff happen this week, tho all of it was random universe stuff, only birthday related in that it happened in the week preceding my birthday. But I am just going to act as tho tomorrow is just an ordinary day, not in any way special. Except I may go down to The 4 P's (local bar) tomorrow night and have a drink or three. Hey, it will be my 21st Bday after all, and you HAVE to drink at least a little on ur 21st Bday.

Mood= non anticipatory
Voices in my head are singing= nothing currently
Current Obsession= legallity
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November 11, 2002 - 2:12 am


O, goddess. So this guy Imed me tonight, on Yahoo. And I knew right away what it was about, cos guys who r looking to get laid just have a certain tone. So I told him the whole, getting to know a guy before fucking him thing. Which is usually when they suddenly stop chatting. But this guy hung around, and we talked, tho mostly about sex. And, goddess I wanna get laid. It's been WAY TOO long. My body doesn't give a damn about getting to know the guy. So what if the couple times I fucked guys I didn't know it was lousy. My body is of the opinion that if you give something enough chances, eventually you have to get a good result, law of averages. :) And GODDESS I wanna fuck someone. It's not a good thing that I don't give a damn who. I mean, I'm not a commitment kind of girl, but damn it, I told myself that I was going to follow certain rules, and getting to know a guy enough that he's not a stranger before I fuck him is one of those rules. I hate when I don't wanna do what I told me to do. It sux.

Mood= horny
Voices in my head are singing= random MP3s
Current Obsession= getting laid
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November 09, 2002 - 6:41 pm


So, I got bored, and decided to play with temporary tattoos. And I have a BUNCH of different ones, and then these cool pens in different colors. And so I decided to scan the temporary tattoos into the computer, so I could print them out and laminate them with tape and then trace them with the pens and use them over and over and over. These images can be found here and here. The second here is the tattoos backwards, so that I can print them out and laminate them and then trace on the laminating and then just press it against my skin and the ink on the laminating will print against my skin.

Mood= easily amused
Voices in my head are singing= that pepsi blue commercial with the rockers and the monks
Current Obsession= ink
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November 08, 2002 - 1:37 am

A bit confusing

Ok, so, Girl, we'll call her Jane, is with GuyA, we'll call him John. She tells him she cares about him, blah blah blah. Only, at the same time, she is with GuyB, call him Bob. And she has sex with Mark, while telling John that Bob is just a friend, and telling Bob that John is just a friend. Only, Jane and Bob have an accident, and now Jane might be pregnant. She says she the home pregnancy test came back positive. John is hurt, because Jane lied about Bob. When Jane tells John she may be pregnant by Bob, John goes around "asking" everyone who knows Jane about the pregnancy, even tho he knows she doesn't want ppl to know. First he says he was asking to find out the truth, but then he says he would just think Jane lied to everyone anyway, and he was asking to find out who knew what.
Meanwhile, Bob had told John that Jane certainly COULD be pregnant when John had first asked Bob. We don't know if Bob saw the home pregnancy test, or just took Jane's word. Jane isn't the most trustworthy person, having lied to both guys, but a friend (me) believes her that she thinks she is pregnant. I think that whatever John's reasons, John was wrong in telling ppl abut Jane's pregnancy when she didn't want ppl to know. Furthermore, I think John told ppl BECAUSE Jane didn't want them to know, I think John wanted to hurt Jane because she lied to him about Bob. John is not a stupid guy, and the reasons John has given for telling ppl are 1-"To find out the truth", except John admits that he thinks Jane lies to everyone, and therefore would lie to the ppl he was asking, 2-"To find out who knows what", which, while could be true, still makes him wrong for having told, 3-"because he thought it was a lie anyway, so what did it matter who he told?", which, again, makes him wrong for having told. So, in my opinion, John is either an idiot, and I don't think so, or he is wrong for having told ppl about Jane's pregnancy, and might even have been doing it on purpose to hurt her. I agree that Jane was wrong for lying to him about Bob, but I still think he was wrong for telling ppl when she wanted it kept secret, and the fact that she lied to him did not give him the right to tell ppl that that is pregnant. What do you think? Leave a comment, let me know.

Mood= philosophical
Voices in my head are singing= none
Current Obsession= moral absolutes
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November 07, 2002 - 6:04 pm


I won a free pass for me and a guest to the sneak preview of Harry Potter 2! And I found out I get to beta test an all in one printer/scanner/fax from HP, and I probably get to keep it after the test is done, and I got a coupon for a free birthday meal at mongolian BBQ cos I signed up for their email list, and I got free full size samples of two new dove shaving things, a new line called ultra smooth, that is supposed to make it so u have to shave less often, and I get PAID for using them, and all I have to do is fill out an online survey about them. Apparently, the universe noticed it was my birthday :-D

Mood= Happy
Voices in my head are singing= happy happy joy joy song
Current Obsession= HARRY POTTER
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