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6/13/2001 - 5:09 a.m.


Well. Saturday at 3 pm is orientation for camp. I'm a bit stressed about the whole, being an assistant counselor thing. I have everything all planned out. I have my lesson plan for the whole summer already worked out. I know just how I want to do everything. When I worked with another counselor 3 years ago, it went ok, mainly because I was more then happy to let him do everything. So I am just worrying about that. But then on the other hand, if it turns out this year like the past two years, and Tim doesn't find another counselor for clowning.magic, then I am going to haveto run the class all on my own, which I can handle, but I would rather not do. Cos last year, I really did have problems dealing with kids who were acting up, and dealing with teaching the class at the same time.

And as I may have mentioned before, apparently last year there were complaints about me, both from parents and kids. Now, When Tim told me about the complaints from parents last summer, he made it sound like it was no big deal, like it was just parents not liking the activities I was doing. But at the interview this year, he made it out to be this big thing. I didn't say, "well, if it is such a big deal, why did u blow it off when u told me about it last summer?" but I wanted to. And atthe interview this year, he said that most of the complaints he got from kids, were after he and I talked last year, so I am thinking the kids didn't like how I tried to change it based on his suggestions. And I explained tohim, that the only complaints I got last summer, were either kids who were doing the class for the second time that summer, and didn't want to repeat an activity, or kids who just didn't want to do something, for no good reason. He said I should have told him that last summer, so that he could have explained that to the parents. But I didn't know I needed to tell him that, as I didn't know he was getting any complaints from kids. Anyway. that's it on that subject for now, more after camp starts.

On another topic, I am going to see Moulin Rouge with Sofija and Julia tonight, and then going to Mongolian BBQ after. But I only have $9, nd the movie is gonna be that much. And Mongolian BBQ is expensive, like $13.95 a person. It's for all u can eat, but still. I think I am going to have to take $15 from the metro $. I don't even have anything in my bank account I could take out.

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