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5/3/2001 - 3:10 a.m.

sis moving

Ok, rather then typing it all out again, I am going to just copy the convo I have been having, and then go from there. ( I LIKE games is what I currently have my MSN nickname set to. Brian is a who I was talking to, but he doesn't say much in this convo.)

I LIKE games says:
so, my sister was not at work
I LIKE games says:
cos she had the night off, and i didn't know
I LIKE games says:
but i spent an hour on the phone with her
I LIKE games says:
and she has not left her husband yet
I LIKE games says:
and isn't going to until she is moving to Ohio to be with her bf
I LIKE games says:
which i am not pleased about
I LIKE games says:
but if it gets her away from her husband, i will get over it

Brian says:

I LIKE games says:
and if it gets her living in civilization again, i will be happy
I LIKE games says:
plus, i realized, after my summer job, i can go visit her, and maybe even before, if a friend of her bfs can give me a ride (her bf is a trucker)

Brian says:
oh ok

I LIKE games says:
and she is gonna have her own place in ohio, not be living with her bf, which is good

Brian says:

I LIKE games says:
and i am really looking forward to going and visiting her in Ohio, cos it will be fun
I LIKE games says:
500 miles from everyone who might tell me that doing whatever i want to is a bad idea :-)
I LIKE games says:
:-) :-) :-)

Brian says:

I LIKE games says:
and she and I always manage to have fun, and get in just the right amount of trouble
I LIKE games says:
and this will be the first time in 5 1/2 years she has not been hampered in what she could do by being married

Brian says:

I LIKE games says:
and before that her parents were telling her what to do
I LIKE games says:
so once she leaves her husband, and moves to Ohio, she actually gets to be an adult, on her own
I LIKE games says:
And i get to go visit
I LIKE games says:
I LIKE games says:
I LIKE games says:
sorry, i spent 5 hours in a car

Brian says:
it's ok.

I LIKE games says:
i tend to think a lot when i spend long amounts of time in the car
I LIKE games says:
and when i think, i end up telling ppl what i was thinking about
I LIKE games says:
especially when the time in the car was at night
I LIKE games says:
cos during the day, there are things to look at
I LIKE games says:
but at night, all there really is to do is think

Ok, so, yeah. I spent 5 hours total today in a car at night, and 2 1/2 of them were shortly before I had that convo, and wrote this. But I am really excited now about her moving, as long as I can go visit her after she moves. Cos I only see her maybe once a month or so now. And maybe some trucker friend of either her or her new bf's could be talked in picking me up on his way to Ohio every few months. Ohio really isn't that far from DC, and between her and Eric (the bf), they have GOT to know someone who makes that run fairly often. So, yeah, I came up with a way for me to be ok with her moving far away. Now I just gotta make it work.

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