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4/17/01 - 2:58 p.m.

Worrying About ppl

So I am all worried about Danielle, my best friend/sister (sister by bond, not blood). She got pregnant on her 16th birthday, and married a few months later. She's now 21, 22 in September, and is leaving her husband.

Now don't get me wrong, I am all for her leaving him. It's about damn time. If I hadn't been too young to realize what a mistake she was making, I would have stopped her from marrying him in the first place.

I am just worrying about the mistake she may be making now, the one that I am old enough to realize, and old enough to think I should try to stop her from making.

She is planning on living with a friend of hers, Tammy, for a month, and then she is moving to Ohio with this guy, Eric, that she used to know, lost track of, and then ran into a while ago. I have no problem with Eric, or even the moving to Ohio, though I will admit I am not fond of how far away Ohio is.

What I am worrying about, is the time frame. She was 16 when she got married, and all she has really been since then is a wife and mother. And now she is going to go from being married to James, to living with Eric, with very little time in between. Plus, she will be leaving her kids for a while, and I am not sure she is being honest with herself about how that will affect her.

I think she should take some time to be herself, before she is in a relationship again. I think she should take some time to figure out who she is without James and her kids, before she jumps right into being whoever she will be when she is with Eric. I know her pretty well, and I am not sure that while she was being a wife and mother, she stopped to figure out who she was.

I am really just worrying that she has not thought all this through. I am worrying that she is about to make another life altering mistake, and I should be stopping her. Logically, I know that her life is not my responsibility, and yet, I feel like I should do something. I have told her all of this, but it hasn't helped.

Voices in my head are singing=
Current Obsession=
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