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5/2/00 - 5:22 pm


So life has been interesting, but not eventful. Meaning I haven�t been doing anything, but things have been happening around me. Actually, that�s not quite true. I have done some stuff. I installed the Juno software that Marcus had given me. I told Ricky it was just e-mail, and I told Paul it was just e-mail and Instant Messenger. I told him I.M. ties up the phone lines, but I�d be doing that anyway being on the phone, and this is free. I actually installed the free Internet, too. So I�ve finally joined the 90�s, now that it�s the year 2000.

Pretty much everything that has happened revolves around the Internet. I�ve got all of my friends� e-mail addresses, and I�m always on line now. We really need a second phone line. But Paul hasn�t complained yet, so�

I was talking to Chris on I.M. the other day, and I said, although not in so many words, �Unless you say not to, or I have someone else to play with, first chance I get this summer, I�m going to do everything I can to repeat what we did at New Year�s.� Actually, it was in so many words, just not those exact ones. He didn�t say that was okay, but he didn�t say it wasn�t, and my impression was that he didn�t have a real problem with that. So�

Actually, I am a bit worried about him, because he used a pushpin to carve �Truth� into his arm the other day. But I don�t really think he is suicidal, not at the moment anyway.

The Nine Inch Nails concert is the 12th. I can�t wait

Voices in my head are singing=
Current Obsession=
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