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3/21/00 - 1:06 am

not enough

So, Chris goes back to school tomorrow, or rather later today. We went to the movies twice, the first time with Sofija on the 12th, to see �The Whole Nine Yards�, the second the 19th, with Jason and Sofija, to see �Final Destination�. I was really surprised that Chris came the second time. Nothing noteworthy happened the first time. We saw the movie, sat in McDonald�s for an hour, then Sofija�s mom picked her up at the theater, and Chris and I went our separate directions. Sofija was seriously debating kissing him, but he wouldn�t sit down, so she couldn�t really reach him. And the way he had said something, she thought he had been saying not to kiss him. Which I think he was. And on the phone later, he said it would have been bad if she had.

He and I never really worked out our whole thing, and we certainly aren�t going to now. Not for a bit. I spent Saturday at Jason�s (Not like that!), and Sunday Jason called to see if he wanted to go to a movie. I really didn�t think he could, but I guess Jason talked him into it. Although I was on the phone, and I think Chris may have just had time he hadn�t expected to have.

After he said he�d go to the movie, he said he had something to tell us. It was obvious from what he said that it was a big deal, so I of course thought he was about to come out. He didn�t. He said that on Friday, he went to the cheesecake factory with his family, and it was really crowded, and he just couldn�t take it. He went out side, and when he got home, he said he started cutting. Obviously I�m worried about him, but he didn�t seem too bad at the movie. He did walk out 15 minutes before it ended, and I needed to go to the bathroom, so I followed him. He said it wasn�t anything, and we ended up talking until the movie ended. But he�s really at that stage where he�s not going to listen to anyone, because he doesn�t really believe it�s a problem.

At McDonald�s after, it was awkward, because he had said not to tell Sofija, because he thought she�d flip. I had told her at the movie theater, but it turned out she hadn�t heard me. Jason wanted to get rid of her so that he and I could talk to Chris, but I got sick of the whole thing, and told her. I knew she wouldn�t flip, and she didn�t. Chris doesn�t seem to be mad at me for telling, and if he is, he�s really hiding it. Jason went home, and Sofija, Chris and I went back to the theater to wait for her dad. After her dad got her, Chris and I walked up to the corner, and I said �So I suppose we aren�t going to get the whole you and me thing resolved, huh?� He said �Probably not for a while.�, or something to that affect. I said just as we got to the corner �So do I at least get a kiss?� He said �How about a hug?� Of course I settled.

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