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1/18/01 - 3:28 pm


So, i hadn't made any New Year's Resolutions. But now i have. To actually keep track of my money. I just decided this, so it is starting as of now, cos i can't remember everything i have spent money on so far. But, today is a good day to start it, cos i sold thos model trains that the guy who owned our house before us had left, and got $125 for them. Less then i was expecting, but the guy swore that was all they were worth, and he actually was only going to give me $100, but i talked him up a little. I should have saved it, for a CDRW, but i didn't. I just NEEDED to go shopping. There were actually a few things i truly needed, and a few more i just really wanted. And it turned out that my fav makeup was on clearence at Sears, so i got a bunch of it. So much of it, that i got a free gift. Coo, huh? and i don't regret a single penny i spent.

Voices in my head are singing=
Current Obsession=
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