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1/24/01 - 10:53 pm

first online entry

So, this is my first actualy entry online entry, tho i went back, and copied in older stuff from the diary i had on my compute. Dunno if i am gonna make this a public of private diary. Pplus, i gotta remember HTML (i know i know it, i just don't remember much ;-), so i can make it look all coo. A friend of mine, Brian, has a diary here, and i thought it looked coo, so i signed up. (hey, a girl can never have too many email addys, and now i can tell ppl my email is [email protected], which is kinda coo)

I had a very productive day yesterday, got a TON of stuff done. Today was trash day tho, and i totally forgot, so now there r going to be bags of trash sitting in the can for a week. o well.

Danielle (sister by bond, not blood) IMed me yesterday, something is up with her mom, and her parents haven't told anyone anything. I'm worried for her, cos with everything else in her life, the LAST thing she needs is more stress. And her parents not saying anything is stressing her out, tho if they told her what was going on, i don't know that she would be any less stressed. I'm just worried for her, and about her. She's my best friend in this world, and quite possibly a few others, and i hate when she is upset. And when she is hurt, i hurt, as always. And while that is great for knowing when she accidentally gets hurt, so i can check on her and make sure she is ok, not bleeding to death or anything, when the hurt is emotional, it's less easy to deal with.

OK, now that we have gotten all maudlin and sappy, changing the subject :-)

I went on a date with a guy named Tony who lives in baltimore Monday. It was ok, he was nice, and funny, and sweet, and just a great guy, but there just wasn't that spark, u know? He'd be a great friend, but otherwise, forget it. And i told him so last night, and at first he was like, yeah, i noticed too. But he seems to think going on another date will create that spark. I wasn't really in the mood to explain that, if it's not there, it's not there, having just got off the phone with Danielle. And then he made some rude comment, which while i am sure he didn't mean rudely, was still an ignorant thing to say. So, since he thinks the reason there was no spark was cos it was like 37 degrees out, and i hate cold weather, he wants to wait til spring to try dating again. So, all i have to do come spring, is say, sorry, kinda lusting after someone who's not u now. Yes, it's not very nice, but i can't STAND ppl who are insensitive when i am upset. I really don't get emotionally upset all that often, and when someone is nasty, albeit unintentionally when i am upset, well, that just pisses me off beyond belief. Ok, so i think that is all for now, o, one last thing, HI BRIAN! ;-)

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