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1/1/01 - 1:36 pm


Well, New Year's SUCKED. And so did Christmas. Christmas sucked, because, no tree, Ricky was in a crappy mood (what else is new), and i got crappy presents. Wanna know what i got? 3 shirts that i picked out from my parents. A little purple organizer box from my bro and his bf, that i like, even tho it is just a big pencil box. Beanie Baby cards from my bro and his bf. I don't like beanie babies, it's my mom who does. So i gave them to her. A magic set, that my bro's bf, Richard (nic-Cookie) picked out, that is kinda neat, but WAY too young for me. It';s for like pre-teen kids. But his heart was in the right place, so ok. And that was it. No celebration. I barely even saw anyone, family or otherwise, all day.

And New Year's sucked, cos i had nothing to do. I was gonna have a party at my house, but everyone had something else to do. Tho Sofija did not cancel until the day of. So, i ended up sitting home alone on New Year's Eve. In fact, i went to bed early. Drank about 5 ounces of Jack Daniels, to try and be asleep before midnight. It didn';t work, cos i lay down too late, at like 11:42. So, i started the New Year/Century/Millennium curled up in bed, with a kitty cat laying on me, purring. Actually, if i couldn't start the New Year having fun, that isn't too bad a way, but still, NOT how i would have chosen.

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