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11/3/99 - 1:42 pm


I want to get this dream written down before it disappears, then I�ll write about what�s been happening lately. So, my dream. I was at some sort of orientation for camp, and Trace had asked me to come early for paperwork or something. Etc, Etc, everyone else shows up, and we all ( the counselors, and some of my favorite campers) end up watching some odd movie. Actually, the movie looked kind of interesting, but I don�t think I�ve ever actually seen it. This girl is a princess, and has magical powers, and doesn�t know she�s the princess. She�s looking for the princess, and eventually finds out that the person she�s looking for, is herself. The dream movie even had sub-plots. So, the theatre is full of camp people, and there are even more people outside, watching through the walls, which were made of glass. (Hey, it was a dream!) I�m sitting next to Chris at the back of the theatre, Jason wasn�t there, and I�m not sure where Sofija was.

So we�re watching the movie, and I get bored, or maybe I got chilly, so I tell Chris I�ll just be gone for a second, and I go somewhere, I don�t remember where, and I change into this really great outfit. I mean, I looked awesome. And it was actually me, not I-look-great-because-it�s-a-dream me. So I was gone for about ten minutes, and when I come back, Chris asks where I was, and then he looks at me, and says I look good, but why did I change my clothes? I say because I felt like it, and he says he�s glad. So we�re sitting there watching the movie, and he keeps looking over at me like he wants to say something, but then not.

Finally I lean over and whisper �So are you going to kiss me, or what?�, and lean in. We kiss, and it�s this phenomenal kiss. I mean, absolutely amazing. It was gentle at first, but then harder when I wanted it to be. He nibbled on my lower lip, which drove me crazy. Like I said, really great kiss. So our faces are a couple of inches apart, and I�m pretty much purring, and Chris says �I hope the movie doesn�t end now, because I can�t stand up.�, and I laugh at him, but quietly, because we�re in the theatre. For some reason I turn around, and I see all the kids watching us through the glass walls, and I say �You do realize that they all saw that, right?�, but Chris says he doesn�t care.

A few minutes later, they can�t see us anymore, (because it was a dream. DUH!) and Chris asks, �So are we going to make out, or what?� I say, �Really, what do you think?� and lean over and run my fingernails (perfectly manicured, of course) down his chest. So his shirt is open, with my hand just over his, um, belt buckle when the house lights come up, and everyone turns to leave the theatre and sees us. We just laugh, and get up and run out. I think there was something between that and this in the dream, but I don�t remember it.

So Chris and I are on metro, and we�re, or rather, I�m going to meet Jason. I�m supposed to meet him a Cleveland Park, but Chris and I are making out, and I miss the stop, so I have to get off the train at Tenley. I�m explaining to Chris that I can still get home from here, but Jason is going to be mad because I didn�t meet him, when Chris tells me to turn around. Jason saw us go past on the train, or something, so he came to Tenley to meet me. So all three of us take the elevator up, and on the elevator ride, Chris and I start making out again. When the elevator got to the top, the dream changed, and since all I wanted to write about was the Chris part, I�ll tell you about what�s been happening lately.

So, let�s see. I finally got paid, $363.39. I couldn�t cash my check as soon as I got it because it didn�t come Friday like it was supposed to. When it finally got there Saturday, at 1:45 p.m., it was much too late to get to any bank. Ricky finally ended up putting it into his account, and giving me $50 until it cleared. Well, I was planning to go to a movie, get some food from Uno�s, and buy The Fragile. Well, I ended up going over to Jason�s, because he had just gotten his wisdom teeth pulled, and didn�t feel up to going out. Sofija came too, and when we called out for food, we got an extra appetizer, because even though she said she wasn�t hungry, we all knew that she would end up eating something. I got Pizza Skins, and a Cheddar burger, and Jason got the Chicken and Mushroom Pizza. We got a second order of Pizza Skins, and a six pack of sodas.

We had to call Takeout Taxi for the food, because Uno�s doesn�t deliver. It ended up being $37.53. About twenty minutes before the food was supposed to show up, I asked Jason for money, and he said he didn�t have any, he had spent it all on The Blair Witch video.

Voices in my head are singing=
Current Obsession=
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