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11/14/99 - 1:23 am


So if he hadn�t done the exact same thing with Sofija (Whine about not having a girlfriend), I would be certain that he was hinting that he didn�t want to just fuck. But before he ever whined to me, he whined to Sofija about it. I had to yell at him, because it was making her feel badly. Maybe he�s doing all this on purpose. Hah. Never mind. I realized just how ridiculous that was as I typed it. But I just realized that if I didn�t want to fuck him, I might have never called him after he left for school. Hell, I might have never called him after camp. So does that mean that after I do fuck him, I�m going to do the guy thing, and forget his number? At the moment, that doesn�t bother me as much as it probably should. Oh well. Time will tell.

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