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10/11/99 - 2:12 pm


The thing is that even in this day and age, girls aren�t supposed to just want to fuck. Girls are supposed to want romance and love, along with the great sex. They aren�t supposed to just want the great sex. It�s fine if a guy just wants to fuck, but if a girl has the exact same attitudes as a guy, people think completely different about her. It�s 1999, and we still have the same double standard we�ve had for thousands of years. Only now, it�s not politically correct to admit to it.

No one ever really believes a girl who says she just wants to fuck. If you are a girl, and you say that, people think you can�t possibly mean it. You must just mean that you want to fuck your boyfriend. You must want great sex, in a committed relationship.

The thing is, that in the tiniest, most infinitesimal little ways, Chris has been acting differently towards me. It�s barely there, and it�s so little I�ve managed to convince myself it�s not there, or that it�s because he�s busy with school. But it�s not, and I know it, I just want it to be. And really, I don�t have any actual basis for thinking it, but I just know. He�s been treating me less like a friend, and more like some unimportant girl he just happens to be doing stuff with, and I don�t like it.

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