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7/3/00 - 8:18 pm


So, what's up, let's see. Umm, camp, I'm the magic counselor, $1600 for 6 weeks. There are about 10 guys who are near DC, in MD, or VA, who have invited me to meet them, and do everything from be friends, to spend days fucking. I haven't gone, yet, but I'm sure I'm going to slip, and soon. I'm SOOO horny, and desperate. A couple cute guys at camp, not many though. None worth lots of trouble. Oh, Chris is dating Cameron, Sof's friend. And Sofs is just thrilled. Umm, Julia is cool. I took my diary to camp today, the one with All the Chris and me stuff, and New Year's. She read bits of it, and kept laughing, and liking it, which was fun, though I had taken it for Sofija to read. That's the highlights, and I'm too tired for anything more. I'll update more later. Oh, I love my Internet. Seriously. So, I'm going to bed. Nite.

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