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3/8/00 - 6:35 am

dream 3

So Chris should be back today or tomorrow. I had a totally weird dream last night, and I�m not sure if it means anything or not. I don�t really think it does. I dreamed that Chris and Sofija and I were walking around outside, and it was my house in the middle of nowhere, and we were on the little path that runs along the back of the house, and there were these papers, or maybe stone tablets, on the ground. I looked at them, and Alicia Nicholson�s name was on them. Then Sofija and Chris and I were being attacked by these demons, or maybe they were ninjas.

We kicked their asses, and then I fell asleep, or took a nap or something. When I woke up, I was in College Park. I went and got Sofija, but couldn�t find Chris. Then he called, and said he had gone home, by way of the opera. We talked for a few minutes, and something I said made him say that he wished he�d known, because he would have stayed the night. I asked if he could come back tomorrow, Sunday, and spend the night, and he said he�d ask. I don�t know what, if anything, that dream means. I�m thinking it doesn�t mean anything. Whatever.

Voices in my head are singing=
Current Obsession=
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