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1/31/01 - 7:28 am

Roast Beast

So. I went to the grocery store yesterday. Got the YUMMIEST roast beast. TOTALLY forgot to get eggs. Now, i could walk to the grocery store near me for the eggs, but they don't have a deli. OR, i could take the bus to the store that has the deli, and the yummy roast beast, and get the eggs there. Knowing myself, i have a pretty good idea which it will be. A girl can never have too much roast beast. Especially the really good, and on sale too, kind. :-)

So, i talked to Brian on the phone at like 5 am tuesday. It was coo. He thinks he kept coughing in my ear, but i didn't notice. Then again, he was talking really quietly, so maybe i just didn't hear. It was coo tho. I like him, he is fun to talk to. Now let's just hope he is as fun to hang out with. We were gonna go out today, but silly billy goo goo head (Brian), forgot to get any sleep last night, instead he stayed up and worked on a webpage. So we postponed til tomorrow.

I have GOT to get some homeschoolwork done. For about 3 weeks, i was doing tons of it, but lately, i have just been working on my webpage, and watching TV and reading. I LOVE the Pern books. Then again, i like most fantasy stuff. I really like how my webpage is coming tho. It's good.

O, i totally forgot, today is wednesday, Danielle will be online. She was probably on yesterday, and i missed her. Silly me. Better sign onto Yahoo now.

Just did. Well, that is all i can think of now.

Yup, there was an offline message from Delle. I wrote back, and am gonna have to remember to be signed on today.

Voices in my head are singing=
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